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Shembeteng- (Noun) [ She-mbe-teng ]

What people say about Shembeteng
Meaning : A variant of Sheng originating from Kayole
Use : Shembeteng imekwachu Nai mbaaya = Shembeteng has hit Nairobi (streets) hard!
Period: 2020
Related to: Language
Spelling variation: None

Area of origin : Oyole
A Sheng variant from Kayole, based on adding the words “mbata”, “mbete”, “mbiti”, “mboto” and “mbutu” at different points in an existing Sheng word.
The language was founded by the trio of Brian Muasya, Zakaria Mwangi, and Master. Collectively known as "Jembeteshi Jimbitinga" or Jeshi Jinga in Kiswahili.
Watch their interview on NTV

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