A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

None  None (Verb)

Ambaa  Leave (Verb)

Achwiti  Three quarter height trousers (Noun)

Adida  Football/Soccer Ball (Noun)

Akadai  1. He/she claimed2. He/she died (Inflected verb)

Akamero  Garbage truck (Noun)

Akorino  Traffic policeman (Noun)

Alidai  1. He/she claimed2. He/she died (Inflected verb)

Alipewa  1. He/she was given a drink (usually alcohol)2. He/she was given sex (though not commonly used) (Inflected verb)

Alloy  Rims (Noun)

Aluru  Quail (Noun)

Amechoka  1. He/she looks shabby/ugly (Inflected verb)

Amero  The USA (Noun)

Anadai  1. He/she is claiming 2. He/she is dying 3. He/she is laughing (Inflected verb)

Angukia  1. Fall on, stumble on 2. Be lucky (Verb)

Arbesa  Forty shillings (Noun)

Arme  Soldier (Noun)

Asapaa  Here (Adjective)

Ashara  Ten (Verb)

Ashu  Ten (Usually of money) (Noun)

Atoti  Babe (Verb)

Avunja  Boots - usually military or factory boots with tough toe tips. (Noun)

Azaro  A shirt (Noun)

Baba  Friend/pal/hommie (Noun)

Babi  softie, non-ghetto (Noun)

Babii  1. A person from the posh areas of the town (Nairobi) 2. A Softie (Noun)

Bafu  Con (Verb)

Baggy  Oversize trousers (Noun)

Bake  Basketball (Noun)

Bakes  Money (Noun)

Bako  Basketball (Verb)

Bale  Beer (Noun)

Bamba  To overwhelm or to grip (Verb)

Bamba Rada  Understand (usually of a situation) (Verb)

Bamba Vi Meja  grip, fascinate (Verb)

Bambika  Be facinated (Verb)

Bambwa  Be caught (as in apprehended) (Verb)

Bandika  Beat (in football or a sport) (Adjective)

Banga  Money (Originally meant "One Shilling") (Noun)

Bangaisa  Hustle (Verb)

Bania  Freeze (Verb)

Banjuka  Dance (Verb)

Bano  Marble(s), The game of marbles (Verb)

Baro  Road (Noun)

Beema  BMW car (Noun)

Bembe  Plead with/ Beg/ Prevail upon (Verb)

Benta  Go-cart (Noun)

Besht  Good (Verb)

Beshte  Friend (Noun)

Beta  homemade go kart (Noun)

Biela  Defecate/excrete/poop/Shit (Verb)

Bila  Empty/ Nothing/ Broke (Adjective)

Binja  Have sex (Verb)

Kunyanduana  To have (casual) sex (Usually between two people that don't have a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship) (Verb)

Bio  Biology (Verb)

Blada  A strip of bicycle or car tyre tubing used in the making of a "Blada" game loop or in the making of catapults or for tying brooms (Noun)

Blanda  Make a (costly) mistake/mess up (Verb)

Blast  Shout at/reprimand (Verb)

Blazed  Drunk (Adjective)

Bleki  Blackout (usually after drinking) but can also be used with the connoation of tiredness (Adjective)

Blue  Twenty (Of Currency) (Noun)

Blunje  Twenty shillings (Verb)

Bob  Shilling (Noun)

Bodi  Tough guy (Noun)

Bof  (a loaf of) Bread (Noun)

Bofya  To eat (Verb)

Bogi Benda  Habitual sot (Noun)

Boka  Boxing (Verb)

Boka Nika  Knickerbockers (Noun)

Boki  Boxing (Noun)

Bolii  Ball (usually a football) (Noun)

Bolingo  Testicles (Noun)

Bomoa  To eat (Verb)

Bonga  Talk (usually used to mean discussion) (Verb)

Bonya  Eat (Verb)

Bonzo  Big (Noun)

Bote  Bottle (Noun)

Bout  Fight (Verb)

Boza  Bhang (Noun)

Bradhe  Brother (Noun)

Brandi  New (Verb)

Breeze  Hang around without a girl (usually in a function/event) (Verb)

Brekoo  Breakfast (Noun)

Brili  Brilliant Hotel (Noun)

Brito  Britian (Noun)

Bude  1. Father 2. Old man (Noun)

Budha  1. Father 2. Old man (Noun)

Buferoo  Bus fare (Noun)

Bunde  A Gun (Noun)

Buogo  Scare (Verb)

Burungo  Merchandise (though usually used for bootleg items but can casually be used to mean virtually anything) (Noun)

Butiwa  Be dumped (Adjective)

Buu  Bus (Noun)

Buyu  Baobab seeds (Noun)

Bwagi  Baggy trousers (Verb)

Bwaku  big (Verb)

Bwao  Baggy trousers (Verb)

Bwerere  Free (Adjective)

Bwex  Two (Verb)

Calif  California (Noun)

Cd  Condom (Noun)

Cha Mbele  Overseas, Abroad (Adjective)

Chababa  Play house (Verb)

Chako  Tag (Verb)

Chali  A Boy, Man or Guy (Noun)

Chana  Chew khat (Verb)

Chanja  To Stab (Verb)

Chapaa  Money (Noun)

Chapoo  Chapati (Flat bread) (Noun)

Chare  Cheat (Verb)

Cheki  See or Look (Verb)

Chem  Chemistry (Verb)

Chengerere  Handcuffs (Noun)

Chiba  Chips or French fries (Noun)

Chibo  French fries (Noun)

Chica  A Girl, Woman, Girlfriend (Noun)

Chile  Girl, woman, girl friend (Noun)

Chipipi  A Wife, (loosely too, a girl friend) (Noun)

Chipo  Chips or French fries (Noun)

Chiu  naked (Verb)

Chiwo  A Watchman or Security Guard (Noun)

Chizi  1. Mad person (noun)2. Go mad (verb)3. Hot! (Noun)

Chobo  A variety of football where the aim is to get the ball between an opponent's legs (Nutmeg). (Noun)

Choka  1. Be tired (not of fatigue but of despair) (Verb)

Choko  1. Street urchin (Verb)

Chokoraa  Street children (Verb)

Chokosh  1. Street urchin 2. Loafer (Verb)

Choma Diskette  Tarnish one's name (Noun)

Chomea Wire  Snitch on someone or squeel or let the cat out of the bag (Verb)

Chomeka  Get infected with/by HIV/AIDS (Verb)

Chonga  Chew khat (Verb)

Choo  1. Prostitute (Verb)

Chora  1. Plan 2. Write (Verb)

Choroboa  Drop - of passengers in a matatu (Verb)

Choz  1. Trouble 2. Good (Verb)

Chrome   Flashy rims (Verb)

Chuani  Fifty (Usually of money) (Noun)

Chuja  1.Cut off 2. Sent off (Verb)

Chuma  1. Gun 2. Penis 3. Money (usually coins) 4. Packed (Verb)

Chumaz  Money (Verb)

Chuta  Indian (Verb)

Chuti  Indian (Verb)

Chuviu  A catapult made of clothes hanger wire (Verb)

Added by browngal

Chwani  Fifty (Noun)

Chwara  A type of Illicit brew (Verb)

Added by browngal

Club 71  Gay people (Noun)

Cold Case  cold food (Verb)

Cools  Frozen color flavored water (Verb)

Costarika  Coast, Mombasa (Verb)

Added by browngal

Crime Scene  Kitchen (Verb)

Cross Nayo  1. Steal 2. Sweep (in football) 3. Sleep with (Verb)

Dabo  Hard (Verb)

Dabodabo  Rule in marbles (Verb)

Dadi  Guy (Verb)

Added by browngal

Daewoo  1. Police car 2. Policeman (Noun)

Daf  Money (Verb)

Added by browngal

Daga  Knife, dagger (Noun)

Dai  1. Claim 2. Die (Verb)

Dail  1. Call (on phone - usually mobile) (Verb)

Added by browngal

Dak  1. Avoid (of a person) 2. Sneak out (Verb)

Added by browngal

Dala  Money (Noun)

Dandoch  Dandora (Noun)

Added by browngal

Danse  1. Policeman/cop (Noun)

Added by browngal

Dara  1. Caress/finger (Verb)

Added by browngal

Daro  A Classroom (Noun)

Added by browngal

Daroo  Class (Noun)

Added by browngal

Dashboad  Bossom/breasts/Boobs (Verb)

Added by browngal

Daso  Soda (Noun)

Added by browngal

Deadisha  To kill (Verb)

Added by browngal

Dedi  1. Die 2. End (Verb)

Degaga  Specatcles/dark glasses (Verb)

Added by browngal

Dem  A Girl/ Girlfriend (Noun)

Dema  1) To Eat 2) Food (Verb)

De-Motsivated  Car-less (Noun)

Demu  Girlfriend (Noun)

Depo  Deposit or A deputy teacher (Noun)

Dere  Driver (Noun)

Despa  Spoon (Noun)

Dhanya  Steal (Verb)

Dhudha  1. Buttocks 2. Bum 3. Behind (Usually of a woman) (Noun)

Di  Dandora (Adjective)

Diab  Buttocks/Bum/Behind/Ass (Noun)

Diambo  Trouble, Danger, Problem (Noun)

Dibobo  Ball or Pregnancy (Noun)

Dibre  (a loaf of) Bread (Noun)

Dieng  1. Excrete 2. Trouble (Verb)

Diggz  House (Noun)

Digida  1. Bum 2. Buttocks 3. Behind (usually of a woman) (Noun)

Digolos  Spectacles/ Glasses/ Shades (Noun)

Dimbas  Trouble (Verb)

Dinga  A car (Noun)

Ding'oing'o  Pachnoda sinuata (The garden fruit chafer or brown-and-yellow fruit chafer or African Fruit Beetle) (Noun)

Dipo  Deposit (Adjective)

Dishi  1. Eat2. Food (as of variety) (Noun)

Dispi  Speedy (Verb)

Diwowo  Water (Noun)

Dogi  Dog (Noun)

Dondoa  Drop - of passengers in a matatu (Verb)

Dondoka  Alight from a moving vehicle .. usually bus or matatu (Verb)

Dondosa  Gyrate the waist... usually in dance (Verb)

Donga  1. Rich person 2. Boss 3. Thug leader (Noun)

Donge  Money (Noun)

Dongera  A Boss or Rich person (Noun)

Doni  Donholm (Adjective)

Donjo  Good, nice, tasty (Adverb)

Doo  Money (Noun)

Doro  To Sleep (Verb)

Double Homicide  Two quarter pieces of roast Chicken (Noun)

Dough  Money (Noun)

Drive  Diahorea (Verb)

Du  No (Verb)

Dub  Reggae music (Verb)

Duba  Bum/Buttocks (Noun)

Duf  Dive/Swim (Verb)

Dunas  No (Verb)

Dunda  Fall (Verb)

Dush  Bird (Noun)

Duu  No (Verb)

Dwang'a  Beat (Noun)

Dwanzi  Fool (Noun)

E.V.E.  Gyrate (or walk with an obvious gyration of one's bum) (Verb)

Easich  Eastleigh (Noun)

Enda  Go (Verb)

Ero  Maasai guard or watchman (Noun)

Ex  No (Noun)

Fadhe  Father/ Dad (Noun)

Fagia  Sweep (usually in the context of a killing) 2. Win (of a game) (Verb)

Fago  Gay person (Noun)

Fala  A fool (Noun)

Fao  First (Verb)

Fasta  Quick (Verb)

Fathee  Dad/ Father (Noun)

Fea  Catapult (Noun)

Ved  Police (Noun)

Feel Maua  Feel hot for (as of a girl playing hard to get) (Noun)

Feelisha  Make envious/ showing off (Verb)

Fegi  A Cigarette (Noun)

Ferare  Bus-fare (Noun)

Finje  Fifty (mostly used as currency) (Noun)

Finya  1. Oppress 2. Have sex with (Verb)

Finyo  Snitch (Verb)

Fit  Fine or OK (Verb)

Fiti  1. Good 2. Ok, fine (Verb)

Fiu  Fifty cents (Noun)

Flava  Music/song (Verb)

Floss  Brag (Verb)

Fogo  Many, A lot (Verb)

Fudhi  Pubic hair (Noun)

Futa  A (Soccer) Foot Ball (Noun)

Fyam  Hectic/Problem/Crazy situation (Noun)

Fyeng  Flee (Verb)

Fyetuka  Gone crazy (Verb)

Gaf  A Cigarette (Noun)

Gafi  Cigarrette (Noun)

Gamu  Mean / stingy (Verb)

Gange  Work (Verb)

Ganja  Bhang (Noun)

Ganji  Money (Noun)

Gariba  Kariba (Verb)

Gauge   Drink(mostly alcohol) (Verb)

Gava  Police,The system (Noun)

Gawa  Give sex (of a woman being promiscious) (Verb)

Gazo  Newspaper (Noun)

Gede  1>Fuel 2>Alcohol (Noun)

Gee  Thousand (1000) (usually of money) (Noun)

Gei  Give (Verb)

Genge  Genre of Kenyan music (Verb)

Geog  Geography (Verb)

Get  Understand (Verb)

Gg  Town (Noun)

Gich  Understand (Verb)

Gicha  Rural home, upcountry or the village (Verb)

Gidhaa  Time, Timing (Verb)

Gife  Cigarrette (Noun)

Gist  Feel good/boast (Verb)

Githaa  Time (Verb)

Githafu  Maths, Calculation (Verb)

Global Warming  Farting/to fart (Verb)

Gnash  Mess up (Verb)

Go  Leave (Verb)

Goalie  Goalkeeper (Noun)

Gode  Bhang, Cannabis sativa. Marijuana (Noun)

Golde  Golden gates (Noun)

Gomba  Khat (Noun)

Gondi  A Thief (Noun)

Gota  Greet (Verb)

Grandi  Grand( parents) either father/mother (Noun)

Guch  Go (Verb)

Gulidanda  A game where a stick was tossed and hit (Noun)

Guoko  Fifty shillings (Noun)

Gusa  Touch (Verb)

Gutu  Understand (Verb)

Gwaks  A type of Khat in a form of leaves (Noun)

Gwan  Tough situation or thing (Noun)

Gwangi  a big ugly person (usually male) (Noun)

Gwaya  Fear or Afraid (Noun)

Gwenda  Shoes (Noun)

Gwira  TO get some thing good or good luck (Verb)

Haga  Buttocks, Behind (Usually of a woman) (Noun)

Haha  To Fear or Be Afraid (Verb)

Hamo  Scavange (Verb)

Hamoch  Scavenge (Verb)

Hamodi  Scavenge (Verb)

Hamsa  Fifty (Usually currency) (Noun)

Handa  Harass (Verb)

Handi  Handwriting (Noun)

Handwa  Be harassed (Verb)

Hantaje  How are you? (Verb)

Hanya  To Philander (Verb)

Hanye  Party (Verb)

Hao  A House (Noun)

Harare  Unfair (Verb)

Haree  Party (Verb)

Hata  Miss out (Verb)

Hedi  Headteacher (Noun)

Hepa  Run away (Noun)

Hepi  Party (usually associated with going out) (Verb)

Hollymbao  Club Hollywood (Noun)

Home  Home (Verb)

Homi  Person trying to be clever/sly (Noun)

Honda  Motorbike (Noun)

Hot Ice  Dry ice (Noun)

Hotio  To be broke / To have no money (Verb)

Huishia  Usually goes (Verb)

Hurli  Hurlingham (Verb)

Idhaa  Time (Verb)

Ikonga  Test (Noun)

Ingango  - (Verb)

Inghoko  Chicken (Noun)

Ingia  Tasty (Verb)

Ingiza Bar  Impregnate (Verb)

Ingiza Nje  sterile (Verb)

Inna  Inner wear (Noun)

Inoro  1. Speak too much Kikuyu 2. Be into money (Verb)

Investigator  A client at an eatery or an invited guest at a party (Noun)

Irori  Petrol or Fuel (Noun)

Ishia   Leave or Go away (Verb)

Ishiwa  Be dry of something (Verb)

Isihi  This one (Verb)

Isivi  This way (Verb)

Jaba  A type of 'KHAT'in form of leaves. (Noun)

Jai  Tea (Noun)

Jajiko  Judge (Of the law courts) (Noun)

Jake  A house (Noun)

Jako  A jacket (Noun)

Jaku  come (Verb)

Jale  Jacket (Noun)

Jam  Obstacle, Hinderance (Verb)

Jamaa   A man (Noun)

Janta  Work / job (Noun)

Javo  Commute by bus (originally Kenya Bus Service) (Verb)

Jegli  Breasts/boobs (Noun)

Jembe  Prostitute of the gold digging variety (Noun)

Jeri  Jericho Estate (Verb)

jibebe  Go away (Verb)

Jichanora  Update oneself (Verb)

Jidai  Boast (Verb)

Ji-Do  Feel hot (Verb)

Jigijigi  Sex (Verb)

Jikata  Leave (from a place) (Verb)

Jikate  Leave, Get out, Go (Verb)

Jikoni  1. Studio 2. Garage (Verb)

Jinare  Jeans (Noun)

Jinduya  Force oneself in (Verb)

Jirongo  Five Hundred Shillings (Noun)

Jisikia  Feel good (Adverb)

Ji-Skia  Feel hot (Verb)

Jiwekelea  Malinga (seek sympathy) (Verb)

Jobiso  Job/work (Noun)

Jobo  Job/Work (Verb)

Joogz  Breasts/boobs (Noun)

Jugz  Breasts/ boobs (Noun)

Juo  Juice (Noun)

Jusi  - (Verb)

Jwala  Condom (Noun)

Kaa Ritho  being on the look out (Verb)

Kaa Square  Sit in a way as to make space for more passengers (Verb)

Kaba  Put under pressure (Verb)

Kabati  A Girl (animate)/Vagina/Pussy (Noun)

Kadhaa  Some (Verb)

Kago  Merchandise or Stuff (Noun)

Kala  Money (Verb)

Kaless  Small (Verb)

Kaliwa  Be grounded/be oppressed (Verb)

Kalucy  Forty Shillings (Noun)

Kam  Come (Verb)

Kamata  Have sex (Verb)

Kambodia  A person (from Eastern parts of kenya) (Noun)

Kamero  Garbage truck (Noun)

Kamisha  Bring (Verb)

Kamjesh  A member of the Kamjesh (outlaw group) (Noun)

Kanach  Canal (Noun)

Kanaro  Canal (Verb)

Kange  A Conductor or Tout in a Public Service Vehicle (Noun)

Kaninga  - (Verb)

Kanja  To pay or Give, usually when talking about money (Verb)

Kanjo  City council askaris (Noun)

Kapaa  A Thousand (1000) (Usually Currency) (Noun)

Kapienga  Slim roll of bhang (Noun)

Karao  Police(wo)man (Noun)

Kasheshe  Runny mouth/talk too much (Verb)

Kashu  Come down (Verb)

Kaso  Cassette tape (Noun)

Kasonga  1. Cassette tape 2. Cassette player (Verb)

Kaswende  HIV/AIDS (Verb)

Kata  1. Have sex with 2. Lie to (Verb)

Kata Mguu  Curtail another's plan (Verb)

Kati  1. Center 2. A game (Verb)

Katia  Seduce (Verb)

Katika  Dance (Verb)

Katsia  Spoil for (Verb)

Kauzi  Thief (Verb)

Kavu  Only (as in a count... usually of money) (Adverb)

Kawa  1>Normally 2>routine 3>odinary (Verb)

Kazwa  1. Be harssed by 2. Be pressed (Noun)

Kei  Penis/Dick (Noun)

Keja  House, room (Verb)

Kerende  Group, crowd (Verb)

Keroro  Alcohol (Noun)

Kewowo  Booze (Verb)

Khronic  Very drugfull (Noun)

Kiasi  A lot, a few (Verb)

Kibao  A lot / Full/ Many (usually of people but could also be of things) (Verb)

Kibare  Slap (Verb)

Kibrown  Thousand shillings (1000) (Noun)

Kijaka  Luo (language) (Verb)

Kilami  English language (Verb)

Kilo  1 kilogram of khat (Noun)

Kimnadho  Jealousy (Verb)

Kinda  Sell, Betray, Make to lose (Verb)

Kinde  Ten (Noun)

Kingoso  English language (Verb)

Kirai  Empty (Verb)

Kirende  Crowd, group (Verb)

Kiriba  someone who is so arrogant (Noun)

Kiromaa  Food (Noun)

Kisapere  Kikuyu language (Verb)

Kisisa  Money (Verb)

Kismat  Luck (Verb)

Kisugu  A hardcore person (Noun)

Kitu Shua  Quality item (Noun)

Kiuk  Kikuyu (Verb)

Kiutif  To feel good (Verb)

Kiwaru  Be jealous (Verb)

Klad  Clothes (Noun)

Kobanga  - (Verb)

Kobole  Five shilling coin (Noun)

Kolle  College (Noun)

Koma  Sleep (Verb)

Komos  Go/leave (Verb)

Kondi  Tout (Noun)

Kondiecha  A Condom (Noun)

Kondule  Condom (Verb)

Konkodi  A Tout or Conductor (Noun)

Koroga  Tweng (Verb)

Kotiko  Court of law (Verb)

Krakis  Crack (Verb)

Krakiz  A rule in the game of marbles. The word means one has cracked another's marble (Verb)

Krisi  Christmas (Verb)

Ksob  Box (Noun)

Kubeat/Kubit  1>Fail/ugly 2>To be broke (Verb)

Kucheki  To see (Verb)

Kuchoma Diskette  Tarnish one's name (Verb)

Kuchora  1>To plan 2>To walk away (Verb)

Kuchujwa  To be evicted (Verb)

Kuchuk  To leave (Verb)

Kudail  To buzz (Verb)

Kudak  To evade (Verb)

Kudara  To caress/finger (Verb)

Kudi!  Beware (Verb)

Kudish!  Beware (Verb)

Kudishi  To eat (Verb)

Kudoro  To sleep (Inflected verb)

Kudu  1. To have sex To do (anything) (Verb)

Kudunda  1>To walk with a springy gait 2>Go raving (Verb)

Kufagia  To beat (Verb)

Kufeel  To understand or be one with (Verb)

Kufinya  1. To eat 2. Oppress (Verb)

Kufloss  To boast (Verb)

Kufyang  To leave (Verb)

Kufyetuka  To go nutts (Verb)

Kugafi  To smoke (Verb)

Kugawa  To give sex (Verb)

Kugee  To give (Verb)

Kuget  To understand (Verb)

Kugnash  To blunder (Verb)

Kugo  To leave for (Verb)

Kugondi  To steal (Verb)

Kuguoko  To beat/fight (Verb)

Kugusa  Play (Verb)

Kugutu  To be aware of (Verb)

Kugwira  TO get something good or good luck (Verb)

Kuhanda  To harass (Verb)

Kuhandwa  To be harassed (Verb)

Kuhata  To miss (usually of sex) (Verb)

Kuhepa  To run away from (Verb)

Kuhotio  To be broke / To have no money (Verb)

Kuishia  To leave for (Verb)

Kuishiwa  To be broke (Verb)

Kujam  To be angry (Verb)

Kujichanora  To update oneself (Verb)

Kujikata  To leave for (Verb)

Kujisikia  To feel hot (Verb)

Kujiwekele  1>To sleep 2>To place oneself down (Inflected verb)

Kukam  To come (Verb)

Kukatika  1>To dance 2>Finished (Verb)

Kukazwa  1> To be pressed 2> To be harssed 3>A chick who has been facked. (Verb)

Kukusanya  To steal from you (Verb)

Kulaliwa  To be oppressed (Verb)

Kulemea  To oppress another (Verb)

Kulenga  To ignore (Verb)

Kuloba  To blunder/fail (Verb)

Kulola  To have a sight/ to have a look/ to watch (Verb)

Kumanya  To know (Verb)

Kumarika  To be married (Verb)

Kumarwa  To be beaten (Verb)

Kumatema  To eat (Verb)

Kumbulu  To be in a hurry (Verb)

Kumela  To drink (Verb)

Kumendea  To hunt (as of a woman/girl) (Verb)

Kumesea  To understand (Verb)

Kumodoko  - (Verb)

Kumongonio  - (Verb)

Kumunju  To kiss (Verb)

Kungara  To wear (Noun)

Kungarisha  To spruce up (usually of a person - but could be anything) (Verb)

Kungethia  To stare (usually confused look) (Verb)

Kunja  Finger, fondle (Verb)

Kunoki  To be mad (but more often used to be madly in-love with) (Verb)

Kunthela  To be finished (Verb)

Kunyambisha  1>To shoot using a gun 2 > Talk of a place (Noun)

Kunyi  Arse hole, or bum hole (Noun)

Kunyita  To understand (Verb)

Kunyora  To urinate (Verb)

Kunywa  1. Take in (overwhelm a person) (Verb)

Kupandisika  1>To be facscinated with 2>To be tricked (Verb)

Kupata Ball  Getting pregnant (Verb)

Kupepea  High speed or to go away (Verb)

Kuperemba  To rob (Verb)

Kurap  To sing (Verb)

Kurave  To dance (Verb)

Kuro  Prostitute (Verb)

Kuroga  To rap/sing/spin (as of a DJ) (Verb)

Kurojo  To urinate (Verb)

Kuroroa  To talk (Verb)

Kusanya  To steal from (Verb)

Kusereka  To get so drunk /or get high (Verb)

Kusetiwa  1. To be beaten 2. To be set up (Verb)

Kushindwa  1>Defeated >2>Give up (Verb)

Kushonde  To excrete/defecate (Verb)

Kushonga  To sleep, Take a nap (Inflected verb)

Kushow  To tell (Verb)

Kushuria  To look good 2>to look beautifull 3>look smart (Verb)

Kusorora  To see (Verb)

Kusosi  To eat (Verb)

Kusota  To be broke (Verb)

Kuspin  1. To diahorea 2. To cook (usually chapati or ugali) 3. To drive a car (usually very fast) (Verb)

Kuta  Have sex (Verb)

Kutan  To go back (Verb)

Kuthora  To steal (Verb)

Kutia Ndani  To eat (Verb)

Kutuna  To sleep (Inflected verb)

Kutupa  1. To lie to 2. To smell (Verb)

Kuwa Guage  Being drunk (Verb)

Kuweka Box  To corner a person - usually by enticing/cajoling (Noun)

Kuzitoka  Dance (Verb)

Kwachu  1. Grip 2. Take/Grab 3. Have sex with (Noun)

Kwara  Girl (Noun)

Lafa  fool (Verb)

Laliwa  Be oppressed (Verb)

Lambwa  1. Be robbed (Verb)

Langa  A Prostitute (Noun)

Lanyo  Last (Verb)

Lapa  To Ignore (Verb)

Lasti  (The) Last (Noun)

Lawman  Type of shoes (Noun)

Leather  Leather jacket (Noun)

Lebo  Label (usually of Shoes, clothes,Caps) (Noun)

Leit  To late (Verb)

Lembe  (In) Front (Verb)

Lemea  To oppress (Verb)

Lenga  Ignore (Verb)

Lia  To complain (Verb)

Linga  Penis/Dick (Noun)

Loba  Fail (Verb)

Lola  Observe/Look at (Verb)

Longi  Long Pants or Trousers (Noun)

Lovito  Loverboy (Casanova/Player) (Noun)

Lueh  - (Verb)

Luku  Loquat (Noun)

Lunga  Lungalunga (Noun)

Mabeshte  Friends (Noun)

Machupa  1. Glasses 2. Alcohol (Noun)

Mada  Madaraka estate (Noun)

Madhe  Mother (Noun)

Madiaba  Bum/Buttocks/Behind (Usually of a woman) (Noun)

Mae  1>Water 2>Alcohol drink (Noun)

Maembe  Fool (Verb)

Mahewa  Very loud music (Noun)

Mahindra  Police truck/Pick-up (Noun)

Maisha  Life (Noun)

Majuu  Abroad (Adjective)

Makaffs  Handcaffs (Noun)

Makanga  Tout (Noun)

Makurenje  Someone's legs(mostly for women) (Noun)

Malcom  Bad (Verb)

Malo  1. To finish (original word) 2. Up (Verb)

Malothi  - (Verb)

Malunglu  Mix of stuffs to eat (Verb)

Mambo?  Wassup?!/Hi! (Verb)

Mambuchbuc  - (Verb)

Mameni  Tough guy (Noun)

Mamunch  Food (pl) (Noun)

Mandi  Stone (Noun)

Mandu  A Lady (Noun)

Manga  Eat (Verb)

Manya  To know (Verb)

Manyanga   A very pimped-up matatu (Noun)

Manyariri  Ladies (Noun)

Manyoni  Birds (Noun)

Manyu  Bum or Buttocks (Noun)

Manzi  1. Girl 2. Young woman 3. Girlfriend (Noun)

Maoro  someone who is so arrogant (Adjective)

Mapaki  Parking boys (but today used to mean street urchins) (Noun)

Mapal  Friends (Noun)

Mapesh  1>Guava 2>Not having all teeths (Noun)

Mapipa  1>Heavy eaters 2>Garbage (Noun)

Mapronye  To finish (Verb)

Mariasa  Ass / Booty (Verb)

Marika  Get married (Verb)

Marish  Maringo (Noun)

Maruge  Old (Verb)

Marwa  To be attacked either by cops or thugs (Verb)

Masa  Mother (Noun)

Masai  Hundred shillings (Noun)

Mashediko  Dark glasses (Noun)

Mashini  1. Penis/dick 2. Hot device or item (car,phone, glasses) (Noun)

Mat  A Matatu (Public Service Vehicle) (Noun)

Matanye  Buttocks, Bum, Behind (Usually of a woman) (Verb)

Matema  To eat (Verb)

Mathafu  Maths (Verb)

Mathee  Mother (Noun)

Mathree  Matatu (Noun)

Matumba  - (Verb)

Maua  Beautiful, classy, hot (Verb)

Mawetete  Buttocks/Bum/Behind (usually round) (Noun)

Mazima  Fire engine (Verb)

Mbachu  1. Room 2. House 3. Khat (Verb)

Mbanifu  Mean (Verb)

Mbanye  Luhya (Verb)

Mbanyu  1>House 2>home (Verb)

Mbao  Slap (Verb)

Mbare  1. Slap 2. Party/heng (Noun)

Mbathi  Bus (Noun)

Mbevo  girl (Verb)

Mbica  Photo (Noun)

Mbichi  Brand new (Adjective)

Mbinu  Plan (Verb)

Mbio  Speed (Verb)

Mboch  House help (usually female) (Noun)

Mboco  Wallet (Noun)

Mbonya  To eat (Verb)

Mbosho  1. Wallet/purse/bag 2.Clitoris (Noun)

Mbota  A Watch (Noun)

Mbuku  To Read (Verb)

Mbulu  Trouble, drama (of the trouble kind) (Noun)

Mbuthu  Kiss (Verb)

Mbuyu  Father, old man, friend (Verb)

Mbwekiko  A Coat (Noun)

Mbwenya  Coat or Blazer (Noun)

Mchuma  Gun (Noun)

Mchwak  Money (Noun)

Mdem  A girl (Noun)

Mdihe  Head (Verb)

Mdishi  Food (Noun)

Mdonga  1. A boss or rich person (Noun)

Mdongera  1. Rich person 2. Boss (Noun)

Mdosi  Rich person, boss (Noun)

Meda  To have a strategy (Verb)

Mei  Maize (Noun)

Mela  Drink (Verb)

Mendea  Encroach upon (usually with the intention of taking away something/someone from another) (Verb)

Mepu  Plan (Noun)

Mesea  Understand (Verb)

Mezesh  Trouble/interferrance (Verb)

Mezesha  Trouble, problem,Danger (Verb)

Mfanyi  House help (Noun)

Mge  Give him/her (Verb)

Mgesi  Broke person (Noun)

Mgondi  A thief (Noun)

Mgor  A luo man or a woman >2 A Gormahian fanatic (Noun)

Mgosa  Thief (Noun)

Mhead  Head (Noun)

Mibao  Feeling hungry (Verb)

Mibuku  Books (Noun)

Mjango  A Luo person (Noun)

Mjasa  Luo (Noun)

Mjei  Construction site (Verb)

Mjunia  A child (Noun)

Mkanyo  (a loaf of) Bread (Noun)

Mkunjo  Style in marble game (Verb)

Mlami  White person (Noun)

Mmanga  Have sex with (Verb)

Mmsap  Kikuyu (Verb)

Mnaa  Tough (Noun)

Mnare  Tough (Noun)

Mnati  Rastaman (Noun)

Mndeki  Penis/dick (Noun)

Mndela  - (Verb)

Mndito  Babe/girlfriend (Noun)

Mng'Ari  Game where an old bicycle wheel was tied (Noun)

Mngaro  Clothes (Noun)

Mngola  Door (Verb)

Mngoso  White person (Noun)

Mnyandhe  Grandmother (Noun)

Mnyifa  House help (Noun)

Mob  Many (Verb)

Mobite  Mobile phone (Noun)

Mochoa  To remove (Verb)

Mode  Teacher (Noun)

Modo  Person (Noun)

Modoko  - (Verb)

Mohoroo  Mum/Mother (Noun)

Moka  Moccassins (Noun)

Momba  Mombasa (Noun)

Mongare  Car (Noun)

Mongo  Head (Verb)

Mongonio  - (Verb)

Monyo  Money (Noun)

Morale  Psyche (Verb)

Mori  Fear (Verb)

Morio  Person (Usually male) (Noun)

Mosh  Give (Verb)

Moshogi  - (Verb)

Mosmos  Slowly (Adverb)

Mote  Thousand shillings (Noun)

Moti  Car (Noun)

Motii  Car (Noun)

Mozo  A Cigarette (Noun)

Mpini  A knife (Noun)

Mrango  - (Verb)

Mrefu  A tall person (Verb)

Mrengo  Jump a queue (Verb)

Mresh  Girlfriend, Girl (Verb)

Mroro  A CHICK (Noun)

Msanyaji  Thief (Noun)

Msap  Kikuyu person (Verb)

Msee  A person (Noun)

Msenge  A fool (Noun)

Msengenyo  Gossip (Verb)

Mshe  A girl (Noun)

Mshi  Girl (Verb)

Msoto  Brokeness (Verb)

Msu  1. Penis/dick 2. Nail (Noun)

Msumari  Penis/dick (Noun)

Mtaa  One's home area (Noun)

Mtambo  An electronic device (Noun)

Mthama  Mother (Noun)

Mthama/Muthama  Mother (Noun)

Mthii  A person (Noun)

Mtichee  Teacher (Noun)

Mtoi  Baby (Noun)

Mtoo  Gun (Noun)

Mtoto  Girl (Verb)

Mtush  Second hand clothes (Noun)

Mude  Girl (Verb)

Mudi  Local brew of alcohol (Noun)

Muenjoyo  having fun (Verb)

Muhahe  Gossip (Verb)

Muja  come (Verb)

Munde  Money (Noun)

Mungorio  Mobile phone (Noun)

Munguino  - (Verb)

Munju  Kiss (Verb)

Munyu  A Kiss (Verb)

Murenga  Car (Noun)

Musu  Nail (Noun)

Muta  Sweet (Verb)

Muwako  Drink (Noun)

Mvu  1. Boy 2. Young man (Noun)

Mwadhara  Mess (Adjective)

Mwaki  Hot! (Verb)

Mwana  Young person (usually a man) (Noun)

Mwenda  Mad person (Noun)

Mnyanyo  Grandmother (Noun)

Mzae  Old (of a person) (Adjective)

Mzunye  White person (Noun)

Nai  Nairobi (Noun)

Naja  Yesterday (Noun)

Nara  Caught (Verb)

Nare  Fire (Verb)

Narua  To be cought (Verb)

Nasa  A Nursery School (Noun)

Nash  Fail (Verb)

Nax  Nakuru (Noun)

Ndae  A Car (Noun)

Ndai  Car (Noun)

Ndaki  To sell (Verb)

Ndao  Mandazi or Swahili Bun (Noun)

Ndauo  A Masaai (Mostly a Watchman) (Noun)

Ndei  Penis/Dick (Verb)

Ndeki  Penis/Dick (Noun)

Ndesaa  Sunday (Noun)

Ndethe  Naked (Verb)

Ndialala  Trouble (Verb)

Ndinus  1>In Ayard 2>In side (Verb)

Ndinyo  A Banana (Noun)

Ndole  Finger -sexual conotation (Verb)

Ndomko  Condom (Verb)

Ndomoo  Person (Noun)

Ndonyo  To Sell (Verb)

Ndula  Shoe (Noun)

Ndunya  A Mandazi/doughnut (Noun)

Nduthe  Run Fast or Sprint (Verb)

Ng'am  See (as to observe or look) (Verb)

Ng'Ang'U  A local brew of alcohol (Noun)

Ng'Ara  Dress well (Verb)

Ngarasi  A cigeratte (Noun)

Ngarisha  To spruce (Verb)

Ngashee  Small sized bomb (Noun)

Ngata  Petrol/Fuel (Verb)

Ngati  1.Close 2.Score (Verb)

Ngede  Petrol (Noun)

Ng'Ede  Girl/woman (Verb)

Ng'edhia  Stare absent-mindedly (Verb)

Ngepa  Cap / Hat (Noun)

Ngeta  Mug (Verb)

Ngiri  A thousand (Verb)

Ng'och  Ten cents (Noun)

Ngoko  Chicken (Noun)

Ngoma  1.Music 2. Type of rubber shoes (Verb)

Ngomi  A fool (Verb)

Ngonji  - (Verb)

Ngori  Trouble or Difficulty (Noun)

Ngoso  English (Verb)

Ngotha  Underwear (Noun)

Ngoto  Knuckle dust (Noun)

Ngovo  Five (Verb)

Ngozi  Football match (Verb)

Ngwai  Bhang (Verb)

Ngwanye  Thousand (usually money) (Noun)

Ngware  1. Rough 2. Early (Verb)

Ngwashe  Potato (Verb)

Ngwenyu  - (Verb)

Niadu  Money (Verb)

Niaje  1. It's how? 2. Hello/Hi (Noun)

Niantaje  1. It's how? 2. Hello/Hi (Noun)

Niasaje  It's how? (Verb)

Niga  Which? (Verb)

Nihoudhes  It's how? (Verb)

Nik  Nic mrudis (Verb)

Nimekunoki  I'm into you! (Verb)

Nina  Who (Verb)

Ninenine  Police car (Verb)

Nira  Brand new, New, rebranded (Verb)

Njako  Police/Policeman (Noun)

Njaku  Fold (Verb)

Njaro  1. Pose 2. Style (Verb)

Njespi  Speaker (Noun)

Njeve  cold (Verb)

Njiva  Chips or French fries (Noun)

Njoti  Groundnuts/Peanuts (Noun)

Njumu  Shoes (Noun)

Noi  Vagina (Noun)

Noki  Be mad (in love) (Verb)

Noko  Vagina (Noun)

Noma  Trouble (Verb)

Nopo  Porn (Verb)

Nudhu  Half a loaf of bread (Noun)

Nya  Leave, (Verb)

Nyabs  Marble (Noun)

Nyagu  Meat (Verb)

Nyake  Meat (Noun)

Nyaks  Meat (Verb)

Nyambisha  To shoot using a gun (Verb)

Nyamse  Girl (Verb)

Nyap  Vagina/pussy (Noun)

Nyapu  Vagina/pussy (Noun)

Nyasembe  - (Verb)

Nyege  Horniness (Verb)

Nyita  Understand (Verb)

Nyoni  Bird (Verb)

Nyonji  Get a hard-on/Erection (Verb)

Nyora  Urinate (Verb)

Nyundo  Penis/Dick (Verb)

Obiriska  Bhang (Verb)

Oboko  - (Verb)

Oboro  - (Verb)

Ocha  Upcountry/rural home/one's ancestral home (Noun)

Odaro  A Classroom (Noun)

Odhumo  Kisumu (Noun)

Odijo  A Teacher or Tutor (Noun)

Odiro  A Window (Noun)

Odush  Bird (Verb)

Ofafa  Ofafa Jerico (Verb)

Ogambo  Vegetables (Noun)

Ogoro  Gold Jewelry (Originally a necklace/chain or bracelet) (Noun)

Okapi  Dagger (Verb)

Okuyo  Kikuyu (Noun)

Okwengo  Kikuyu (Noun)

Oladho  A classroom (Verb)

Olaso  A class (of a school session) (Noun)

Olasso  Class (Verb)

Olipo  Slippers (Verb)

Omba  Beg for sex (Verb)

Ombitho  Bhang, Marijuana (Noun)

Omole  Slowly (Verb)

Omundo  Someone (Verb)

Ondiso  A teacher (Noun)

Ondole  kick a ball using the tip of the toes as opposed to the inner foot. (Verb)

Ongelesha  To talk to (Verb)

On'Gon'Go  A lady who is so agly (Verb)

Opach  Bald head (Noun)

Opara  Bald head (Verb)

Order  Good (Verb)

Oredho  (a loaf of) Bread (Noun)

Oreso  President (Verb)

Orezo  President (Noun)

Orifo  A (School) Prefect or Monitor (Noun)

Orioba  Kariobangi (Verb)

Orismo  Christmas (Noun)

Oruaro  Shorts (Verb)

Oruro  Five cents (Verb)

Otero  Starring (Verb)

Oteto  States (Verb)

Otipa  Slippers (Verb)

Padi/Pady  Padlock (Noun)

Paha  Here (Adverb)

Pai  A Policeman (Noun)

Paipu  Pipeline Estate (Noun)

Paka  Con (Verb)

Panda  Catapult (Noun)

Pandhre  Indian (Verb)

Pandisia  Cheat / lie (Verb)

Pandisika  1. Be lied to 2. To fascinated (Verb)

Panganga  Talk too much (Noun)

Pango  The area in Nairobi, known as Pangani (Noun)

Panji  Indian (Verb)

Pao  Twenty (Usually Currency) (Noun)

Para  1. Lie or To lie 2. Parallel program at the public university 3. Double life (usually of a thief or mugger or gangster) (Noun)

Pararira  Loud air-horn usually fitted in matatus (Noun)

Pare Pare  1. Genitals (both male & female) 2. Bed (sexual conotation) (Verb)

Parki  Street urchin (Verb)

Paro  Parent (Verb)

Pasale  There (Verb)

Pasne  snipper (Verb)

Paulina  Buttocks/bum (Noun)

Pax  Pause/Temporary stop to a game of hide and seek or tag. (Verb)

Pedi  A Drug Peddler (Noun)

Pena  A Penalty (Verb)

Penya  Make it (Verb)

Pepea  High speed, Go away (Verb)

Peremba  To rob or steal from (Verb)

Pewa  Drink ... usually alcohol (Verb)

Pienga  Small (Adjective)

Pika Chapo  - (Verb)

Pil First  Rule in the game of marbles (Verb)

Pimbi  Fool (Verb)

Pipe  Straight trousers (Verb)

Piri  Class Prefect (Verb)

Pivi  Plainsview (Verb)

Piwa  Where (Verb)

Plati  Platform shoes (Noun)

Poa  Good (Verb)

Pocha  Chapati (Flat bread) (Noun)

Pointi  Half-cast (Verb)

Poko  Prostitute/hooker (Verb)

Pokoyoyo  Prostitute/hooker (Verb)

Ponye  This type of cars called poschuer (Noun)

Ponyi  A Police Officer (Noun)

Ponyox  Slip (Verb)

Pori  Wallet, Purse, Pocket (Noun)

Posi  Posta (Verb)

Potanga  Potato (Verb)

Pozi  Pose/chill out (Verb)

Prefo  Class prefect (Verb)

Prity  Beautiful girl (Noun)

Pu!  A game were bottletop liners were blown (Verb)

Pudhu  Run/scatter (Verb)

Punch  Five (Noun)

Punju  Thief (Noun)

Puru  Sweet, Candy (Noun)

Pyce  Hotness/Flamboyance/pride/conceit/arrogance/full of oneself (Noun)

Ragi  A Rucksack (Noun)

Randi  New (Verb)

Rap  - (Verb)

Rapash  To hide a 250ml bottle of local brew (Noun)

Rasa  Bum, buttocks, behind (usually of a woman) (Verb)

Rave  Party (Verb)

Ray Parker  A hair style famous with Ray Parker junior (Verb)

Red  A Hundred (Usually Money) (Noun)

Ref  A Referee (Noun)

Rende  Crew/gange (Verb)

Reso  Wrestling (Verb)

Ridhe  A bullet, bullets (Noun)

Rive  A River (Noun)

Rodhi  Trousers (Noun)

Rodi  Roadwork, (Verb)

Roga  Spin, DJ, Sing, Rap (Verb)

Roho Safi  With no reservations/without a care (Verb)

Rojo  To urinate (Verb)

Ronga  Rongai (Noun)

Roroa  Talk (Verb)

Rotejo  A bus stop (Noun)

Rothi  Trousers (Noun)

Roza  Trousers (Verb)

Rungu  Penis/Dick (Verb)

Runinga  Television (Noun)

Runju  - (Verb)

Rwabe  Two Hundred (usually of currency) (Noun)

Saba  Seven, but used in reference to gays (Chora saba) (Verb)

Safisha Rungu  Blowjob (fellatio) (Verb)

Safo  A (Safari) Rally (Noun)

Sakanya  Search (Verb)

Sakata  1> To dance 2 >To play (Verb)

Salasa  Thirty (Usually of currency) (Noun)

Sama  Sommersault (Verb)

Samba  Beat (Verb)

Samo  (Some)thing (Noun)

Sanse  Police officer (Noun)

Sanya  Steal (Verb)

Sao  Kariobangi South (Verb)

Sao B  South B (Verb)

Sapere  Kikuyu (Verb)

Sare  FOC/FOB (Verb)

Sariyiwa  To be left with (Verb)

Sasa  Hi (Verb)

Scan  1. Be on the look out (Verb)

Seating Arrangement  1. Bum 2. Buttocks 3. Behind (Usually of a woman) (Verb)

Seating Equipment  1. Bum 2. Buttocks 3. Behind (Usually of a woman) (Verb)

Segede  Sex (Verb)

Sekete  Vintage/Old/dilapidated (Noun)

Seko  Second or Secondary School (Noun)

Sema  1>say something 2> How are you doing 3>Say it (Verb)

Sembe  Ugali (Noun)

Senye  Vagina (Noun)

Sereka  To bee drunk or get so high (Verb)

Setiwa  1. Be beaten 2. Be set up (Verb)

Shafu  Short change (Verb)

Shai  Finished (Verb)

Shake  Farm, Garden or Agricultural land (Noun)

Shakee  Agricultural land (Noun)

Shedhi  - (Verb)

Shema  See (Verb)

Sheng  An emerging creole/pattois spoken in Kenya. (Verb)

Shengi  - (Verb)

Shika  Understand (Verb)

Shika Rada  Understand (Verb)

Shindwa  1>To loose 2>God forbid 3>Not able to do something (Verb)

Shine  1. Dress well 2. To out perform others (Verb)

Shoga  Gay person (Verb)

Shoi  Shit (Verb)

Shona  Fill (Verb)

Shonde  Shit (Verb)

Shonga  To sleep (Verb)

Shoot  Leave (Verb)

Shoste  Gayism (Verb)

Show  Drama, Obstacle, Issues, Mess (Verb)

Shpleng  A Beautiful Woman or Girl (Noun)

Shtimu  1. Steam 2. Passion (usually in a game)3. High (usually on bhang) (Verb)

Shua  Sure (Verb)

Shufu  See or Look (Verb)

Shuge  Sugar (Verb)

Shugee  Sugar (Verb)

Shuma  Penis/Dick (Verb)

Shuria  To look good 2>to look beautifull 3>look smart (Verb)

Sinya  A Police (wo)man (Noun)

Siste  Sister (Verb)

Siti  City stadium (Verb)

Sito  Sitting room (Verb)

Sixi  Super Hero/Tough guy (Noun)

Skele  1. Thin . Skeleton (Noun)

Skive  Sneak out (Verb)

Skunye  Skuma wiki (Verb)

Smarta  Beautiful girl (Noun)

So  Hundred (originally of money) (Noun)

Sode  Soda (Verb)

Sodi  Big (Verb)

Sodo  Soda (Verb)

Softie  Someone who come's from a wealthy background.(Someone who is very easy to bully) (Noun)

Soja  Watchman (Verb)

Sokiso  Condom (Noun)

Sombrero  A Wide brimmed hat (Noun)

Sokla  A Hundred (Usually of Money) (Noun)

Sonko  Rich person (Noun)

Sonyi  Soldier (Noun)

Soo  A Hundred (Usually of Money) (Noun)

Sorora  See or Look at (Verb)

Sosi  Eat (Verb)

Sota  Broke (Verb)

Spakie  Elastic (Verb)

Spark  Magnet (Verb)

Spin  1. Drive a car 2. Cook (Though usually used when referencing the cooking of ugali and/or chapati) (Verb)

Spinje  A speaker (Noun)

Spleng'  Girl/Babe/Chick/girlfriend (Verb)

Stedi  Turned on, have a hard-on or be horny (Verb)

Stenje  A Bus Stage/Shelter (Noun)

Steto  America (North America) (Verb)

Stingo  Style (Noun)

Stone Wash  A type of denim jeans trousers (Noun)

Stud  1. Football shoes (Verb)

Studo  Student (Verb)

Stunya  Strong (Verb)

Sufu  Sufaria (Verb)

Sugu  Hard (Verb)

Sunda  Insert/add/put in (Verb)

Sunguch  Rabbit (Noun)

Supuu  Beautiful woman (Verb)

Swatch  Sleep (Verb)

Swimo  Swimming (Verb)

Tan  Return (Verb)

Tango  Football (Noun)

Tanye  Buttocks, Bum, Behind (Usually of a woman) (Noun)

Tashu  Fart (Verb)

Taya  Tyre (Verb)

Te  To Stink (Verb)

Tebo  1. Table 2. Table tenis (Noun)

Teli  TV (Verb)

Tema  Discard (usually of a person) (Verb)

Tembo  Beer (Verb)

Tene  Long Ago (Adjective)

Tenga  A Thousand (Usually Currency) (Verb)

Tenje  A Radio (Noun)

Tera  Trouble (Verb)

Terro  Search (Verb)

Thado  Third (Verb)

Thao  A Thousand (1000) (Usually currency) (Noun)

Thegi  A Thug/Thief (Noun)

Thela  So thin (Verb)

Third Mobile Operator  Mobile-phone thief (Noun)

Thogithi  1. Socks 2. Condom (Noun)

Thogothanyo  Winding nonsense (Verb)

Thora  To steel or robbery (Verb)

Three Kwuonye  Three quarter height trousers (Verb)

Thufu  Soup (Verb)

Thutha  Bum/Butt/Behind/Buttocks (Verb)

Tibe  Tea (Verb)

Tiktak  A game (Verb)

Tinga  To Score (Verb)

Tipo  A game (Verb)

Tisho  Tee shirt (Verb)

Tishoo  T-Shirt (Noun)

Tizi  Practice (Usually of a sport but could be of anything else that requires constant rehearsal) (Verb)

Toast  Very stupid person (Verb)

Toboa  Make it (Verb)

Todhi  Fool (Verb)

Toka  Get out (Verb)

Tothi  Fool (Verb)

Traa  Run fast (Verb)

Trao  Pair of pants, Trousers (Noun)

Tuliza  Rest (Verb)

Tuna  Sleep (Verb)

Tupa  1. To discard or ignore (usually of a friend) 2. To smell (Verb)

Tyabe  Tea (Verb)

Ubao  1. Hungry adj 2. Hunger n (Noun)

Ubege  Hunger (Verb)

Uch  Go (Verb)

Umemezea  U've understood (Verb)

Umenge  Hunger (Noun)

Unbwogable  Unscared, unmoved (Adjective)

Under 18  Very young girl (usually under 18 years or any woman that looks very young) (Noun)

Unenge  Hunger (Noun)

Uni  University (Verb)

Unkonyorable  Can't be helped (Verb)

Usapere  Being Kikuyu (Verb)

Ushago  Rural (Verb)

Usuku  Here (Verb)

Usuyu  This one (of a person) (Verb)

Utiaji  Lying (Noun)

Uwela  Truth (Verb)

Vaite  Meru (Verb)

Vedi  A Police (Wo)Man (Noun)

Veve  Khat - A type of drug (Noun)

Vidi  Video (Verb)

Vu  Carnivore restaurant (Noun)

Vuta Aerial  Be wise/ sharp (Noun)

Wabe  Yes! (exclaimation) (Verb)

Wachree  A watch (Noun)

Wadhii  People (Noun)

Wae  Y-front (Verb)

Wagido  Dog (Noun)

Wagondi  Thieves (Pronoun)

Wagor  Suppoter of Gormahia football team (Noun)

Wagosa  Thieves or robbers (Noun)

Wajango  Luos (Verb)

Wajunia  Kids (Verb)

Waka  Drink (alcohol) (Verb)

Wakudiro!  Beware! (Verb)

Walami  White people (Verb)

Walidai  The claimed (Verb)

Wanadai  They are claiming (Verb)

Wandenga  Police Officers (Noun)

Wanga  Tough (Verb)

Wang'A  Hit (Verb)

Wangoso  White people (Verb)

Wapewe  They be given (of alcohol) (Verb)

Waroro  Women, Ladies, Girls, (Noun)

Warosho  An alley (Noun)

Wasanyaji  Thieves (Verb)

Wase Wa Csi  Cooks or people who are listed to prepare food (Verb)

Wasee  People (usually multigender but commonly used to refer to men) (Noun)

Watoi  Kids (Verb)

We Are On The Case  we are eating (Verb)

Wegejeng  State of drunkenness (Adjective)

Weka Ksob/Weka Xob  Corner a person - usually by enticing/cajoling (Noun)

Weka Manyundo  To have sex with (Verb)

Weo  Nairobi West (Verb)

Westie  Westlands (Noun)

Wheels  Car (Noun)

Whodhe  What? (Adjective)

Whodhes  What (Verb)

Wika  Claim (Verb)

Wino  Sperms (Noun)

Wira  Work (Verb)

Wochi  A Watchman (Noun)

Wode  Water (Noun)

Woki  Walkman (Verb)

Works  Workplace (Verb)

Xob  Box (Noun)

Yapyap  Chitchat (Verb)

Yebo  Yes (Verb)

Yondhe  All (Adjective)

Zale  Ciggarette (Verb)

Zamba  Purple fruit (Noun)

Zamo  Long ago (Noun)

Zi  No (Adverb)

Zii  No/None (Noun)

Zilch!  Nothing (Verb)

Zima  Zimmerman (Verb)

Zist  No/None (Verb)

Zondhe  All (Verb)

Mgibi  Big (Adjective)

Kachumbs  Type of coastal salad (Noun)

Agote  He/She greets you - (but mostly used to refer to the clenched fist greeting) (Inflected verb)

Akala  Type of sandals made of old tyres - famous among the Masaai and Kamba people (Noun)

Mchongoano  "Your mama" jokes (Noun)

Ololo  Kaloleni - A residential area in Nairobi that was built to house Railway workers (Noun)

Mso  Big (Verb)

Jisune  Put oneself in (Adjective)

Bazenga  Father (Dad) (Noun)

Bhazenga  Father/dad (Noun)

Chox  Limuru Girls High School (Noun)

Mapens  Love (Noun)

Usoro  Nosiness (Verb)

Maintain  1. Relax (usually at a spot) 2. Remain (at a place) (Verb)

Pasua  1. While walking, take an otherwise not usual route (e.g. a shortcut) (Verb)

Sabina Joy  Masturbate (Verb)

Zinja  A very old person (Adjective)

Mawaru  Chips or French fries (Noun)

Dago  1. Dagoretti (The place) 2. Dagoretti Boys Secondary School (Noun)

Homicide  Slaughter of chicken or goat (Verb)

Shinde  Mercedes Benz (Usually car) (Noun)

Blaki  Bicycle - (Noun)

Chogi  Watchman, night guard (Noun)

Pyenga  Small (Adjective)

Paisha  Drive a vehicle (usually fast) (Verb)

Ng'aisha  Drive (Usually fast) (Verb)

Mtasis  Sista (Noun)

Kibi  Matches (Noun)

Pasnai  1. Player 2. Smooth/sly/shrewd (Noun)

M1  Moi (Noun)

Babito  Brand of Soda (Noun)

Ndesho  Shit/execrete/pupu/poopsie (Verb)

Gibi  Big (Adjective)

Homu  Homework (Noun)

Design  Such that/in that/in a manner to (Conjunction)

Woyez  Water (Noun)

Mshande  Salary (Noun)

Kalesi  Lesbian (Noun)

Mwaga  Ejaculate (Verb)

Choma  1. To out do 2. To infect with an sexually transmitted disease/infection (Verb)

Mjaka  A Luo person (Noun)

Mkoko  Handcart (Noun)

Oboho  Bad boy, usually from Eastlands (Noun)

Njefi  Fifty (Noun)

Zungusha  Whine the booty/Shake the rump/Swing the bum/Walk with a swagger (Verb)

ku-ment  To have for wear (used as kument (Verb)

Bembea  Hang on the door of a matatu (Verb)

Ment  Wear (Verb)

Man  1. Guy 2. Person (Noun)

Boy  1. Close friend 2. (Noun)

Os  Hundred (usually of money) (Noun)

Ndegeles  Balls/Testicles (Noun)

Weider  Built/strong guy (Noun)

Mna  Tough/Hot (Noun)

Time  Wait (Verb)

Msapere  Kikuyu person (Noun)

aajabu  Amazing (Adjective)

Mmbang'a  Food (Noun)

Flat screen  Very flat bum/behind (Noun)

Mdon  1. Boss 2. Rich person 3. Gang/group/troop leader (Noun)

Don Corleon  1. Tough guy 2. Rich guy 3. Gang leader (Noun)

Nyastu  Strong/Built (Adjective)

Waniaju  Kids/Children (Noun)

Mbringish  Beautiful Gal/Girl/Girlfriend (Noun)

Dungia  1. Dressed up in 2. Call (Verb)

Ndhom  Bhang (Noun)

Vako  Lie or to cheat (Verb)

Renga  1. Ignore or jump a queue (Verb)

Thru pass  Connection or facilitation (Verb)

Kumanga  1. To have sex 2. To eat (Verb)

Samdhech  Something (Adjective)

Mahaga  Buttocks/bum/behind - usually well rounded (Noun)

Nginyo  Sex (Verb)

Wadhi  People (Noun)

Shaggz  Upcountry (Noun)

Pevu  Pavement (Noun)

Biz  Business (Noun)

Farova  A place in Nairobi's Eastlands called Ofafa Maringo (Noun)

Mutenguano  Jest, Jibe, Jocular contest (Verb)

Koboo  A Police(wo)man/GSU Officer (Noun)

Gashu  Sugar (Noun)

Msepa  A person from the Samburu tribe (Noun)

Kiraka  1 2 (Noun)

Marima  Drinking joint/Pub (Noun)

Biare  Sniffing glue (Verb)

Kayengi  Bottle for storing glue (for sniffing) (Noun)

Magwethe  Bhang/Cannabis Sativa (Noun)

KC  1. Kenya Cane 2. Karen Cowboy (Noun)

Ka plastic  Spirit in a satchet (Noun)

Vutia  Call (usually refers to cellular calls) (Verb)

Tapa  Drink (alcohol) (Verb)

Hagganaizeshan  Big bum/buttocks/behind (Noun)

2 B Continued  Outragously huge buttocks/bum/behind (Noun)

Skudu  A roll of bhang (Noun)

Wetsere  Bum/Buttocks/ (Noun)

Mawezere  Buttocks/Bum/Behind (plural) (Noun)

Nganya  A Matatu/PSV Van (Noun)

Sahara  Popular brand of shoes manufactured by Bata Shoe Company... popularly known as "safari boots" because they are designed for wearing while on safari (Noun)

Jada  A Woman/Girl/Babe (Noun)

Atmo  Car (Noun)

Mseketee  Sex (have sex) (Verb)

Chea  Play (Sexual relationship conotation) (Verb)

Puli  Fool/Stupid person (Noun)

Njemz  Neighborhood thieves/petty thieves (Noun)

Buntuyus  Dad/Father (Noun)

Fadhora  Cheap Liquor (Noun)

Namba 2  Fake gun (Noun)

Mbuus  Girlfriend (Noun)

Wasonjo  Somalis (Noun)

Broda  Nigerian (Though often used to refer to a Nigerian man) (Noun)

Mnyaka  Mother (Noun)

Mawetsere  Bum/Buttocks/Behind (Noun)

Borre  1. Boring 2. Useless (Adjective)

Verri  Perfect/Flawless (Adjective)

Ndyefi  Problem/Trouble (Adverb)

Wan tu  1. Go on foot 2. Hit rapidly (as in a fight) (Verb)

Fuaka  Smoke (Verb)

Haganization  Big bum/buttocks/behind (Noun)

Hagga  Buttocks, Behind (Usually of a woman) (Noun)

Ball  Football (Noun)

Deadie  He/she died (Inflected verb)

Ukata  He/she died (Inflected verb)

Trafik  Traffic policeman (Noun)

Amebeat  He/she looks ugly (Inflected verb)

Ameparara  He/she looks ugly (Inflected verb)

Wahi  Get (like a job or opportunity, or something) by luck (Verb)

Karoosi  40 Shillings coin (Noun)

Hapa  Here (Adjective)

Mrenga  car (Verb)

Daddy  Friend/pal/hommie (Verb)

Beste  Friend/pal/hommie (Verb)

Deso  Soda (Noun)

Panga  Con (Verb)

Rada  Understand (usually of a situation) (Verb)

Jazika  Be fascinated (Verb)

Chapa  To beat (Verb)

Twanga  To beat (Verb)

Hussle  To hustle (Verb)

Mbules  father (Noun)

Fathe  Father/ Dad (Noun)

Hommie  friend (Noun)

pal  friend (Noun)

Mbois  friend (Noun)

Waks  A Business, Job or Work/Work Place (Noun)

somewa  shout at/reprimand (Verb)

Blu  twenty shillings (Verb)

Loaf  Bread (Noun)

Mwako  alcohol (Noun)

Afko  Alcohol (Noun)

Jab  1) Punch 2) Boxing (Verb)

Blow  Boxing (Noun)

Boli  ball (Noun)

tia ndani  To eat (Verb)

Bigi  Big (Adjective)

Ngwae  Bhang/weed (Noun)

Chill  Hang around without a girl (usually in a function/event) (Verb)

Float  Hang around without a girl (usually in a function/event) (Verb)

Buda  A Father (Noun)

Samdho  Merchandise (though usually used for bootleg items but can casually be used to mean virtually anything) (Noun)

Mbe  Two (Verb)

Ulami  Overseas, Abroad (Adjective)

Mula  Money (Noun)

Kwacha  Money (Noun)

Chapo  Chapati (Flat bread) (Noun)

Pochas  Chapati (Flat bread) (Noun)

Playa  Play (Sexual relationship conotation) (Verb)

Bracelet  Handcuffs (Noun)

Ngupi  Handcuffs (Noun)

Babe  Girl (Noun)

squeeze  girl (Noun)

Dame  A Girl/Girlfriend (Noun)

Waifudhes  Wife, (loosely too, girl friend) (Noun)

Uchi  naked (Verb)

Luch  A Prostitute (Noun)

Shouting  good (Verb)

Bundee  Gun (Noun)

Beks  Money (Noun)

Bytes  money (Noun)

Cheddar  Money (Noun)

Chief  guy (Verb)

Boss  Guy (Verb)

Buzz  call (Verb)

Karo  policeman (Noun)

KCC  breasts/boobs (Verb)

Fyeka  kill (Verb)

Murder  Kill (Verb)

Land  End (Verb)

Windows  glasses (Verb)

Mamaa  A girlfriend/ A wife (Verb)

Supu  1. Girlfriend 2. Beautiful woman/thing (Noun)

Bum  Buttocks (Noun)

Hinnie  Buttocks (Verb)

Oremo  (a loaf of) Bread (Noun)

Nyiaku  Excrete (Verb)

Crib  House (Noun)

Pad  house (Noun)

Don  Boss/ Rich person (Noun)

King  Boss (Noun)

Cheda  Money (Noun)

Dache  Money (Noun)

Doba  Reggae music (Noun)

Ragga  Reggae music (Noun)

Roots  Reggae music (Noun)

Zilch  No (Verb)

Lungula  Have sex (Verb)

Nangos  Mobile phone (Noun)

16 A  1. Evidence 2. Proof of innocence (Noun)

Ras  1. Rastaman/Woman 2. Prefix used by some rasta followers often ending up as a nickname (Noun)

Baruta  A loose-moral girl... usually one that sleeps around with virtually any man that comes by. (Noun)

Barley  Alcohol (Noun)

Msyoks  Bhang (Noun)

Tei  Alcohol (Noun)

Chupa  Alcohol (Noun)

Teke  Fast (Noun)

Oz  Smoke cigarrette (Noun)

P-Square  Have sex with (Verb)

Clande  Man or woman that's involved in a sexual affair with a person that has a relationship with another (Noun)

Take away  1. A girl/woman that one picks up at the club 2. A girl/woman that one has an affair with (Noun)

Jirani  Arsehole/Butt (Noun)

Mse wa jirani  A gay person (Noun)

Wahi Kuwahi  Boobs/jugs/breasts (Noun)

mongorio  Mobile phone (Noun)

Skiza  1. Convince 2. Tell (with the aim of convincing) (Verb)

Shtobe  Girlfriend/Girl (Noun)

McCain  Looser (Noun)

Mboga  Girl/Woman/Lady (Noun)

Veges  Girl/Woman/Lady (Noun)

bauwau  Dog (Noun)

45  Githurai 45 (Noun)

G45  Githurai (Noun)

Vee  1. Virgin 2. Ignore, disregard, chill (Adjective)

Poke  Pocket (Noun)

1 pack  Pot belly (Noun)

Mbotu  Stomach (Noun)

Kwashiokor  Big stomach (Noun)

One pack  A Pot belly (Noun)

Dinya  Have sex with (Verb)

Asapa  Here (Verb)

Wezere  Buttocks/Bum/Behind (Singular) (Noun)

Kupewa  Drink ... usually alcohol (Verb)

Gwedhe  Fool (Noun)

Side mirror  Hips (usually wide hips) (Noun)

Mkwanja  Money (Noun)

Kindema  Monday (Noun)

mbeteka  1. Rugby match 2. Party, go wild (Noun)

Kapa  A Thousand (Usually currency) (Noun)

muhadhara  Trouble (Adverb)

Shoke  Tomorrow (Noun)

Color  Money (Noun)

Rangi  Money (Noun)

Jodo  Bald head (Noun)

Jordo  Bald head (Noun)

Nguya  Mine (Noun)

Migingo  Ugali (Mealie pap/"african cake") (Noun)

Tear gas  Chili/pepper (Noun)

Chintu  A girl (Noun)

Kayumbet  1. Go wild 2. Rugby (Noun)

Heng  1. Party 2. Hang out, chill, max (Noun)

Madigaga  Sunglasses (Noun)

Kwisham  Over/Finished (Pronoun)

Mbotch  House help (usually female) (Noun)

Aunty  House help (female) (Noun)

Obriska  Bhang, Ganja, Weed (Noun)

Kutupa mbao  To be dumb, to make a huge mistake, to be slow (Verb)

Tupa mbao  To be dumb, to make a huge mistake, to be slow (Verb)

Dimanga  Stone (singular), plural is ma dimanga or madimanga (Noun)

Madimanga  Stones (pl), Singular form is dimanga (Noun)

Mriatho  Food (Noun)

Shore  Girl, girlfriend (Noun)

Mpango  Plan (Noun)

Mhandi  Handsome (Adjective)

Mbono  Porn (Noun)

Mchoro  Plan (Noun)

Smata  1. Clever, good 2. Girl (usually very beautiful) (Noun)

Punk  Posh person, not ghetto, westernized (Noun)

Facebook funga  A person (usually female) ... that is picked up from Facebook after a few flirter message and taken home for the sole purpose of having sex with that person. (Noun)

Chips funga  A person (usually a woman) picked up from a club or pub or party for the sole purpose of having a one night stand with. (Noun)

Side dish  A person (usually woman) who is kept for the purpose of sex (Noun)

Brown  Thousand shilling note (Noun)

Galitos  a person (usually female) picked up from a pub or club for the sole purpose of having a one night stand with (Noun)

Kribas  Potato crisps (Noun)

Cribas  Potato crisps (Noun)

Creebas  Potato crisps (Noun)

Cribaz  Potato crisps (Noun)

Wembe  1. Lie to 2. Hot/Deadlie (Noun)

Chorea  Plan for (usually to conquer sexually or to beat up) (Verb)

Tarimbo  Penis/Dick (Noun)

Gwoko  A Fight or Brawl (Noun)

Fiam  Danger (Noun)

Mpyenga  Small (of a person) (Adjective)

Kacha  1. To leave/to go 2. To speed or go fast (Verb)

Wenengi  Others (Noun)

Yebi  1. Look (to see) (Verb)

Ngodha  Underwear (Noun)

Swara  Fast (Verb)

Kufyam  Has trouble, has danger (Verb)

Saseni  Hi, How are you? (usually used to greet a group of people) (Noun)

Ng'ethia  Stare absent-mindedly (Verb)

Ngethia  Stare absent-mindedly (Verb)

Hanjam  Hunger/Thirst (usually sexual) (Noun)

Nyese  Vagina/Pussy (Noun)

Fini  Finish, End (Verb)

Kufini  To finish (Verb)

Nairo  Nairobi (Noun)

Shuzuki  To walk or go on foot... especially to or from work as result of brokeness (Verb)

Route 11  To go on foot (Verb)

Legzzas  1. To go on foot 2. Figurative speech for feet (Verb)

kuyeng'  To have sex (Verb)

Kuburusha  To steal (Verb)

Okonkwo  1. A big burly person 2. Don, leader 3. Bigshot, braggart (Noun)

Route eleven  To walk or go on foot... especially to or from work as result of brokeness (Verb)

Leggzas  To walk or go on foot... especially to or from work as result of brokeness (Verb)

Semenya  1. A woman who is built like a man 2. Dual SIM phone (Noun)

Msedes  Penis/dick (Noun)

Msupa  1. Girlfriend2. Beautiful girl/woman (Noun)

Shaba  Have sex with (Verb)

Shipwepwe  1. Huge woman, built like a man 2. Ugly woman (Noun)

Mbof  Bad/unworkable/useless Note This word is heavily used in Engsh as opposed to Sheng. (Noun)

Mbolo  Penis/dick (Noun)

Nyonginyo  Socks (Noun)

Beat  1. Beat (usually excessive) 2. Fade (usually in quality or significance or relevance) (Verb)

Browse  To have sex with (Verb)

Jikamua  Wank/masturbate (Verb)

Braza  Brother (Noun)

Kibronje  Brother (Noun)

Bro  Brother (Noun)

Vuvuzela  1. Useless conversation or baseless talk. 2. Loud noise 3. A loud air-horn fitted on a matatu 4. Figurative for penis/dick (Verb)

Tiche  Teacher (Noun)

Miro  Black person or someone of Black African origin (Plural, miros) (Noun)

Ong'ora  Trumpet or loud horn (Noun)

Nyeu  Black person (Noun)

Woyes  Water (Noun)

Kahasho  A hard chop by use of the side of the palm or a hard neck choke (Verb)

Bangla  A place known us Kariobangi (Noun)

Jegi  Breats/boobs (Noun)

Tao  Town/City (usually CBD) (Noun)

Dunga  Wear (Verb)

Bez  A spot (usually in the hood) where young boys (rarely do you find girls) while away time due to joblessness (Noun)

Waroshio  Road (usually a short cut) (Noun)

Jakom  1. Chairman 2. Raila Odinga (Noun)

Kundialala  Trouble/danger (Noun)

Nalinga  Penis/dick (Noun)

Fyatuks  Explode/Go awry (Verb)

Kutia  1. To have sex with/to fuck 2. To stoke animosity or to cause a situation to get worse (Verb)

Shtebe  Friend (Noun)

Kunyadi  To have sex with/to fuck (Verb)

Kalulu  1. Reggae/dancehall dance style 2. Reggae music (Noun)

Jav  To commute by bus (originally by KBS) (Verb)

Mati  1>Matron (usually in boarding school) 2>Matress (Noun)

Kudinya  To have sex with/to fuck (Verb)

Ati  That (Adjective)

Funkie  Function (usually in school) (Noun)

Box  1. Nairobi university hostel 2. Trap/Seduce (Usually a woman or a person in an attempt to have them give in to your way/views) (Verb)

Ndom  Bhang/ganja/Marijuana (Noun)

Mahanjam  Plural for Thirst/Hunger (Usually sexual) (Noun)

Ashoo  Ten (usually money) (Noun)

Gaff  Cigarette (Noun)

Ketepa  1. Tea 2. Khat/miraa 3. Drink (usually alchol) (Noun)

Kugwara  1. To fail (usually an exam) (Inflected verb)

Juala  1. Condom 2. Plastic carry bag (Noun)

Hashu  Ten (Usually of Currency) (Noun)

Gadi Moja  Name of a popular hiphop artist (Noun)

Ji kate  Leave, Get out (Verb)

Walalo  A person of Somali origin (Noun)

Ongwaro  Kawangware (Noun)

Ungwaro  Kawangware (Noun)

Guaya  To Fear (Verb)

Njuti  Shoes (Noun)

Dhefs  Father (Noun)

Manyake  1. Chunks of meat 2. A woman (usually plus size) (Noun)

Niko  I'm good or I'm beautiful (Adjective)

Rithe  A Bullet or Bullets (Noun)

Mawaya  Broke (Adjective)

Kadinya  1>An irritating or inconveniently foolish person 2>Someone who is addicted to sex (Noun)

Ngwetes  Vagina/Pussy (Noun)

Kwoso  Bootylicious/Have a big bottom (usually of a woman) (Noun)

Manze  Man! (exclamation usually when one is exasperated) (Interjection.)

Hare  Party or heng (Noun)

Ong'ura  Ugly person (usually male) (Noun)

Musi  Mobile phone (Noun)

Fudhams  Pubic hair (Noun)

Madi  Club Florida 2000 (Noun)

Imbo  Imported (usually from CHEAP quality items) (Adjective)

Pedho  Feeling of being classy/polished (Noun)

Klande  Man or woman that's involved in a sexual affair with a person that has a relationship with another (Noun)

Mkale  A person from the Kalenjin tribe (Noun)

Wagesi  Poor people (Noun)

Bonoko  Fake gun (usually a pistol) (Noun)

Lalez  Babes/hot chicks (Noun)

Zaiq  Man or person (usually male) (Noun)

Nyapunya  Vagina/Pussy (Noun)

Added by Kassilas/ Shabadoo

Momiz  1. Girl 2. Girlfriend (Noun)

Smarter  1. Genius 2. Pick pocket 3. Thief 4. Rich person 5. Clean guy (Noun)

Added by xdomain

nuh linga  penis sexing (Verb)

Added by xdomain

mitii  1. Miraa 2. Penis/dick (Noun)

Added by xdomain

nyamoo  an ogre a gun (Noun)

Added by xdomain

by order  a must. as usual. means of ordering. (Noun)

Added by xdomain

kuumia  being hurt (Noun)

Added by xdomain

talif  mobile phone (Noun)

dungwa  pierced. (Verb)

Added by xdomain

mawazango  Underwear clothe (Noun)

Added by xdomain

Walapa  What's up? (Noun)

Msako meja  Intense search or major crack down (Verb)

Madondo  Kidney Beans (Noun)

shape  stupid crazy (Noun)

Frijesa  Fridge (Noun)

Niso  Nissan (usually a 14 seater matatu then later Shuttles for long distance travel) (Noun)

Mogox  Khat/Miraa (Noun)

Konda  1. Die with/for (usually of desire or anger) 2. Turn-boy/Conductor in a matatu (Verb)

Jichaka  To go out of or away from a place (Verb)

Added by xdomain

kumechar  kusota (Noun)

Added by samore

wadro  fake things (Noun)

Kukwara  To refuse (Verb)

Kemfa  Penis/dick (Noun)

Vanji  French Fries (Noun)

Added by Igez

achumbati  a girl (Noun)

Added by kilo-nzo

radiator  Vagina (Noun)

Added by Voke

Imboste  A Fake (Product) (Verb)

Pyske  Mood or mind for (Adverb)

gwanyi  thao (Noun)

Added by jahkimic

g-spot  senye (Noun)

Added by jahkimic

nguna  dame girl (Noun)

Added by Abom

oga  shower con (Verb)

chupri  broke (Noun)

malujubeng'beng'  Bum/arse/buttocks (Noun)

Added by viq

Wagwan  1. What's going on?/what's happening/what's cutting? 2. Problem/trouble (Inflected verb)

Makmende  To want to be a hero (Noun)

Vybe  Talk (Noun)

Fogothare  Useless person or thing (Noun)

Chocha  Incite (Verb)

daidii  bum,ass (Noun)

kurubber   kuishia kuinua (Verb)

Added by jahkimic

Baidii  Bum, Ass or Behind (Usually of a Woman) (Noun)

stundu  makali kuguage spirits maswara (Noun)

Added by jahkimic

Ngwati  Pornography (Noun)

makali  spirits (Noun)

ngwanyi  one thousand kenya shillings (Noun)

mullah  money (Noun)

kach  money (Noun)

kangwa  shot (Noun)

pepetwa  shot (Noun)

mradi  deal (Noun)

bonjii  mistake blundertalking (Noun)

Added by xdomain

Kenga  To understand (Verb)

mkomii  pick pocket (Noun)

Added by xdomain

neti  jail/prison (Noun)

gesi  broke (Noun)

buruka  fly (Verb)

nijea  hihow are you is how (Noun)

uchu  peanuts (Noun)

Jil  Two Hundred (Usually of Currency) (Noun)

Nich  Fifty (Usually curency) (Noun)

naps  napoleon spirits (Noun)

Mbang'a  Police(wo)man (Noun)

tukum  vagina pussy (Noun)

Kondaa  Tout Conductor (Noun)

mzeiya  dude guy (Noun)

mra  deal black market (Noun)

swag  style fashion (Noun)

kuku  girl lady (Noun)

Added by Levo

punani  vagina (Noun)

Added by Levo

ndechu  Gold (Noun)

Added by Levo

chuotho  cannabis sativa (Noun)

nduku  cannabis sativa (Noun)

shada  cannabis sativa (Noun)

blunt  cannabis sativa (Noun)

kapyenga  1.Cannabis sativa 2. Small (Noun)

weed  cannabis sativa (Noun)

mary-jane  cannadis sativa (Noun)

Ndeng'a  A Gun (Noun)

cahonas  penis dick (Noun)

abdala  penis dick (Noun)

mkwajo  penis dick (Noun)

bakora  penis dick (Noun)

mtiaji  liar snitch unfair (Noun)

bani  mean selfish (Noun)

razi  snitch mean (Noun)

nyadux  sex sexing fuck screw (Noun)

santuri  compact disc music cd (Noun)

ngweru  pals peers buddies my boys (Noun)

Added by junia

stand,stood  beautiful good attractive glamourous (Noun)

Added by xdomain

za-ovyo  nonsense silly issues mistakes stupidity (Noun)

Added by xdomain

tuox  sex sexing (Verb)

winch  weak unstable (Noun)

winch winch  weak unstable (Noun)

alutas  khat (Noun)

squaleh  go leave (Verb)

chump  go leave (Verb)

uradii  trouble plan (Noun)

Added by xdomain

kismart  lucky (Noun)

Added by xdomain

kujitoa  to go to move to run away (Verb)

Added by xdomain

mulaa  money (Noun)

Added by xdomain

fyaam  trouble (Verb)

Added by xdomain

Tortoise  A Girl (Usually Beautiful) (Noun)

Added by xdomain

dabus  father (Noun)

Added by xdomain

manjia  bus fare (Noun)

Added by xdomain

chomaa  misbehaving highlighting spotlight (Verb)

Added by xdomain

Tendee  A Girl (Noun)

Added by xdomain

kuliwa  stolen caught (Verb)

Added by xdomain

kushikwa  buying conned caught (Verb)

Added by xdomain

umbthee  fake (Noun)

Added by xdomain

sukaa  lie faking conning, convince (Verb)

Added by xdomain

mamba  being aggresive (Verb)

Added by xdomain

pace  running away walking away in a hurry dodging away (Verb)

Added by xdomain

test  t (Noun)

jogji  socks condoms (Noun)

Added by xdomain

Mdudu  Aids (Verb)

Teo  Examination (Noun)

madre  hard drugs (Noun)

later   smoke (Verb)

badu  Ass (Noun)

Ndukulu  Marijuana, Weed,Bhang (Noun)

Nduklu  Weed, Marijuana, (Noun)

Klinche  Lunch (Noun)

umblaina  1>Plain clothe police 2>Complainer (Noun)

Godpapa  1>A type of a cape 2>God father (Noun)

kuitif   To nice (Verb)

Grau  Grounds (Noun)

Ishi  Delay or Get Late (Verb)

oton  Stone (Noun)

Shuku  To suspect (Verb)

Msapiri  A kikuyu (Noun)

Umoja  Togetherness 2>Estate within Nairobi surburb (Verb)

Mzaha  Kidding,Jokes, (Verb)

Smart ass  Good booty mostly for women (Noun)

Kanya  To catch (Verb)

kushema  Pronouncing words inappropriately (Verb)

soo tano  Five hundred (Noun)

Mashiro  Mother to wanjiru (Noun)

tafash  Fracas (Verb)

Afere  Bus fare (Noun)

Ing'adwa  A hundred shillings (Noun)

mbrucha  1>No doughts, 2>No problem 3>no worries (Verb)

mburcha  Butchery (Noun)

kabuda  1>Old man 2>A guy 3>Fat boy (Noun)

Kondiko  condom (Noun)

Jintiki  Jeans (Noun)

Nanga  ass (Noun)

soo mbili  Two hundred (Noun)

so mbili  Two hundred (Noun)

mrembo  A chick (Noun)

muunde  Money (Noun)

Njwidhe  Sweet (Verb)

Wanjiva  Chips or French fries (Noun)

Ugoro  Gold (Noun)

Dawa  Weed (Noun)

poaz  alright (Verb)

wa  Wonder (Auxilliary Verb)

Chimama  A Girl or Girlfriend (Noun)

Mshee  A Girl or Girlfriend (Noun)

Chikita  A Woman or Girlfriend (Noun)

Eftiecha  To get pregnant (Verb)

Nyaa  Shut up (Verb)

Kunyaa  To shut up (Verb)

Chuo  School (Usually primo or secondary) (Noun)

Machuo  Schools (Noun)

Primo  Primary school (Noun)

Prima  Primary school (Noun)

Ha-he  Gossip (Noun)

System  School (Verb)

Kutae  Circumcised (Verb)

Tae  Get circumcised (Verb)

Kampo  University (Noun)

Kamote  Charm (Usually love portion but occasionally evil charm) (Noun)

kuwa gauge  To be drunk (Verb)

Fukuru  Prostitute (Noun)

Vibe  A general feeling that you get from a person (Pronoun)

Saka  To Search (Verb)

Dula  Fool (Noun)

kuoshwa  To be corned (Verb)

Mkanya  A Mother (Noun)

Alaji  1. Person (Usually a man) with a big stomach 2. Rich person (Noun)

Mukuchu  Money, Cash (Noun)

Kugwan  Danger/ Hard times (Verb)

Nyanyua  1>To beat 2>To eat (Verb)

Nyondis  A bird (Noun)

liimbukah  to blow out, to explode (Verb)

Fight  War (Verb)

Kibongo  Tanzanian or of Tanzania (Noun)

Gova  A Police(wo)man (Noun)

Inadi  (at) home (usually meant to mean chilling outside ... in the yard) (Noun)

Mraa  Walking around (Verb)

Kijee  Majengo (Noun)

Cladi  1>Clothes, 2>Dressed nicely (Noun)

Lugu  Luquard (Noun)

Madhee  Mother (Noun)

nauwo  1>Check 2>Look 3>See 4>Watch (Verb)

Maji  Drunk (Adjective)

Gej  Drunk (Noun)

Mogoka  Khat (Noun)

Busto  Bus station (Adjective)

Risto  Story (Noun)

Sulukru  A chick (Noun)

Tokelezea  Coming out with a swag (Verb)

Banja  Talk (Verb)

Limbi  Two (Noun)

Bweks  Two (Verb)

Ngyai  Tea (Noun)

Icha  Tea (Noun)

Pang'ang'a  To much talk (Verb)

Kinena  Pocket (Verb)

Kujaz  To make one feel happy (Verb)

Kible  To get drunk and sleep (Verb)

Yoyoma  Drunk (Verb)

Tindi  Drunk (Verb)

Kung'aada  To run fast (Verb)

Unyoya  Run very fast (Verb)

Kabo  A Cupboard (Noun)

Ndirao  Walk around (Verb)

Mbetea  Walk (Verb)

Nyorosha  Walk (Verb)

Kumanyoria  To die (Verb)

Scooby  A dog (Noun)

Fap  Puff (Verb)

Fuga  Marry (Verb)

Tekana  Take someone mostly to marry (Verb)

Kurongokwa  1>To be beaten 2>Drunk (Verb)

Izim Kizim  Propaganda (Verb)

Parachuete  Lift up (Verb)

Mbus  A chick (Noun)

Dranya  A Girl (Noun)

Shubaru  Walking on foot (Verb)

kalesa  kutembea on foot (Verb)

Added by marko

Mandae  Cars (Noun)

Mzito  A good friend (Noun)

Keroma  Food (Noun)

Puthu  Run or exit very fast (Verb)

Kemba  Look (to observe or understand) (Verb)

Mwaora  To puke, vomit or throw up (Verb)

Muje  To show up (Verb)

Susu  Urinate (Verb)

Umbenyo  Malice (Verb)

Wathee  A market known as GIKOMBA (Noun)

Msuper  Girl (Usually beautiful) (Noun)

Madingo  Thieves (Noun)

Umechar  You are broke (Verb)

Kabuti  It is a term used in the game of draft,meaning you are defeated without reaching your opponents end. (Verb)

Zusha  Complain, cause a ruckus, create a fusss (Verb)

Chwa  Take off (Verb)

Kanjwa  To be paid (Verb)

Inganga  Hundred Shillings (Noun)

Sulu bin sulu  Share (Verb)

Kanjishwa  Asked for payments (Verb)

Kuvaliwa  To be beaten up (Inflected verb)

Tara  Run (Verb)

Vibare  Slaps (Adjective)

Chinjia  To vibe a chick (Verb)

Chwaki  Head (Adjective)

Chwakire  Head (Noun)

Muyalu  A luhya (Noun)

Otogo  Local brewed alcohol (Noun)

Muoroto  Extension houses made of tin/iron sheets or wood (Noun)

Mukoro  Grandmother (Verb)

Mnyanye  Grandmother (Noun)

Dingo  Thief (Noun)

Added by JuaCali

Credo  Air time (Noun)

weri  A fool (Noun)

Tothii  A fool (Noun)

Ngamwe  A fool (Noun)

Chingiri  Alcohol (Noun)

Arif  Friend (Noun)

Kalongo  Children's game equivalent to playing house ... (Noun)

Kalongolongo  Play house (Verb)

Mguu ya kuku  A Gun (Noun)

Thwau  A gun (Noun)

giriberi  shika/kashi/pokea/hold (Verb)

Added by wagidogie

nego  Negotiate (Verb)

Braumba  A thousand shillings (Noun)

Ndovu  A thousand shilling (note) (Noun)

Bop  A thousand shillings (Noun)

Tero  Search (Verb)

Saksua  Search (mostly by cops or watch(wo)men) (Verb)

Mahuru  Rude (Adjective)

Mauru  Rude/Arrogant (Adjective)

Ngirimba  Rude/ Brutal/ Arrogant (Adjective)

Girimba  Brutal/ Arrogant/ Rude (Adjective)

Ng'oi  A Watchman or Security Guard (Noun)

Shogi  Guard or A watch(wo)man (Noun)

Mzangale  Old man (Noun)

Buuda  A friend (Noun)

Mudhabu  A father (Noun)

Nguzu  Bhang (Noun)

Ndohm  Bhang/ Marijuana/ Weed (Noun)

Ngusu  Bhang/ Marijuana/ Weed (Noun)

Kuchi  Weed/ Bhang/ Marijuana (Noun)

Gwill  Bhang (Noun)

Fwaka  A Cigarette (Noun)

Ngale  Cigarate (Noun)

Ngife  Cigarette (Noun)

Harmfull  Cigarette (Noun)

Manche  Eat (Verb)

Dimbua  Eat (Verb)

Mangulula  To eat (Verb)

Bagiko  A bag (Noun)

Gikomba  Market known as(GIKOMBA) (Verb)

Pinji  A thief (Noun)

Bandi  Bandit/ Thief (Noun)

Kisap  The Kikuyu Language (Verb)

Mperesa  A person of Kikuyu descent (Noun)

Okuyu  Kikuyu the language or the person (Noun)

Mbana  Number (usually of a cellphone) (Noun)

Namba  Number one (Verb)

Mbanas  Numbers (Verb)

Vipi  What's up? Hi (Interjection.)

Vopo  How are you? (Noun)

Vip  Whats up or Hi (Verb)

Meja  Big or major (usually of a problem) (Adjective)

Impress  A Beautiful Girl (Noun)

Rauo  Cell phone (Noun)

Tenjekna  A phone (Noun)

Nivopo  How are you (Verb)

Msuupa  A Beautiful lady/ woman (Noun)

Msuupu  Beautiful girl/Lady/ Woman (Noun)

Swaara  Bad luck (Verb)

Kiblanda  Mistake or problem (Noun)

Bunduz  Upcountry (Noun)

Machinani  Upcountry (Noun)

Shags  The village (Verb)

Shagz  The village (Verb)

Gichagi  The village (Verb)

Gishagi  The village (Verb)

Oshago  The village (Verb)

Gicagi  The village (Verb)

Gashup  Error (Noun)

Goof  An error (Verb)

Sir Jah  God (Noun)

Godesa  God (Noun)

Sir Godi  God (Verb)

Papagod  God (Noun)

Sajah  God (Verb)

Sa jah  God (Verb)

Viatu  Ugly girls (singular kiatu) (Noun)

Ongura  Ugly person (Noun)

Amechapa  S(he) is ugly (Noun)

Collabo  Collaboration (commonly used in music circles) (Noun)

Pajamo  Together (Adverb)

Pajamos  Together (Adverb)

Pamoja  Together (Verb)

Kiatu  Ugly person (usually a girl/woman) (Noun)

Amebit  S(he) is broke/ not in a good condition or old (Verb)

Feya  Catapult (Noun)

Raiya  Common man (usually in reference to the down-trodden citizen) (Noun)

Safara  Common man (down trodden) (Noun)

Masafara  Poor people (singlular safara) (Noun)

Barbie  1. A person from the posh/rich areas of the town (Nairobi) 2. A Softie (Noun)

Mbabi  Someone from the posh area in town (Noun)

Poshi  Posh area (Verb)

Uptown  The good/expensive side of town/ Estate/ Market/ (Verb)

Mbazita  Faster (Verb)

Mbasita  Faster (Verb)

Teke teke  Quick (Verb)

Trrr  Quickly (Verb)

Data  To be confused (usually due to love) (Noun)

Hori  Worries (Verb)

Freak  Worry(s) (Verb)

Changanyikiwa  Mixed up (Verb)

Nyanga  Penis (Verb)

Mboki  Penis (Noun)

Nyoro  Penis/ Urinate (Noun)

Abdalla  Penis/ (Noun)

Punyeto  Masturbate (Wank) (Verb)

Monthre  Mother (Noun)

Madha  Mother (Noun)

Muthama  Mother (Noun)

Mudhama  Mother (Noun)

nyong'inyo  Socks (Noun)

Kuom  Come (Verb)

Kamuthe  Come (Verb)

Kamudhe  Come (Verb)

Flady  Rugby under floodlights (often associated with Rugby night matches held at the RFUEA) (Noun)

Pande  Fracas, Chaos (Noun)

Kreki  A nut head (Noun)

Haina was  No Worry, No problem (Preposition)

Ufuk  Money (Noun)

Kwangkwang  A type of liquor known as 'KENYA KING' (Noun)

Ringita  Steal from (Verb)

Kunguta  Beat up (Verb)

Rwada  Beat (Verb)

Seti  Beat (Verb)

Unda  Beat you up (Verb)

Kukung'uta  To beat you up (Verb)

Kukudhanya  To steal from you (Verb)

Kukuthanya  To Steal (Verb)

Kukusamba  To beat you up (Verb)

Kukuseti  To beat you up (Verb)

Kukuunda  To beat you up (Verb)

Kukubeat  To beat you up (Verb)

Kukutwanga  To beat you up (Verb)

Bule  1. Bullet 2. Tampon (Noun)

Bulle  1. Bullet 2. Tampon (Noun)

Mahindi  Bullet(s) (Noun)

ong'ong'o  ugly person (usually female) (Verb)

Mleche  Rice (Noun)

Mchengo  Rice (Noun)

Mchelo  Rice (Noun)

Mcheti  Rice (Noun)

Rundema  Prison (Noun)

Ndema  Remand (Verb)

Nditni  Prison (Noun)

Rutanga  Funeral (Verb)

Maombo  Funeral (Verb)

Mangata  Funeral (Verb)

Siusare  Just leave it (Verb)

Lengana  Just leave it (Verb)

Sarekana  Just leave it (Verb)

Rudema  Prison/Remand (Verb)

Ndiwike  Weekend (Verb)

Saluba  Thirty (Noun)

Mtape  Conman/Fraudster/Thief (Noun)

Coni  A Conman or Con Artist (Noun)

Bandii  Bandit,Thief (Inflected verb)

Geje  Conman,Fraudster,Thief (Noun)

Kamutula  Miniskirt (Noun)

Mini  Miniskirt (Noun)

Skenje  Miniskirt (Noun)

Kuguna  To betray one's boss (Verb)

Kugunaguna  To have a habit of always snitching (Verb)

Uza  To betray (Verb)

Nguyas  Mine (Noun)

Yamae  Mine (Verb)

Yamine  Mine (Pronoun)

Shutua  Holla (Verb)

vuta waya  To call (Verb)

nivutie waya  Call me (Verb)

utavuta waya  You will call (Verb)

Kukuchai  To steal (Verb)

Kukuvaa  To beat you (Verb)

Kukurwada  To be beaten (Verb)

Amful  Cigarette (Noun)

Ngwetez  A chiken (Noun)

Kukupinji  To steal (Verb)

Kurwada  To beat (Verb)

Kuvaa  To beat you up (Verb)

Kutwanga  To beat (Verb)

Vaa  Beat (Verb)

Beatika  Beat up (a person) (Verb)

Lumba  Twenty (Noun)

Mbaula  Twenty (Noun)

Ubna  Twenty (Verb)

Pound  Twenty (Verb)

Lumbna  Twenty (Verb)

Umbna  Twenty (Verb)

Kubeatika  1.Beat you up 2. Broke (Verb)

Parasha  Rumours (Verb)

Umbenye  Rumours/Malice (Verb)

Chini ya maji  Cool runings (Verb)

Mdogo mdogo  Slow but sure/ Cool running's (Verb)

Mdogos  Slowly (Verb)

Chini ya waba  Under cover (Verb)

Chini ya woiyes  Undercover (Verb)

Chini ya woiye  Undercover (Noun)

Babayao  Tuff dude/Top dog (Noun)

Champee  A champion (Verb)

Janje  Someone creative (Verb)

Janjes  Someone Creative (Verb)

Fala dush  A fool (Noun)

Tost  A fool (Noun)

Todhii  A fool (Noun)

Kenti  Bhang (Noun)

Kolobo  Thick roll of bhang (Noun)

Mawada  Bhang/ Weed / Marijuana (Noun)

Mashada   Weed or High after smoking weed (Verb)

Gutuka  Know how/Wise up (Verb)

Chanuka  Enlightened (Verb)

Janjaruka  Alert/ sharp and wise (Verb)

Gutua  To be enlightened by or To enlighten someone (Verb)

Gutusha  Enlighten (Verb)

Wathii  People (Noun)

Muthii  A person (Noun)

Gandiza  Chill/ Lay low (Verb)

Tuliz  Relax/ Rest/ Wait/ Chill (Verb)

Wazi  Yes (Verb)

Wazee  Yes (Verb)

Wazii  Yes (Verb)

Wabee  Yes (Verb)

Zee  No (Verb)

Zae  No (Adverb)

Ndias  Dangerous (Verb)

kumethoka  Danger/ Trouble (Verb)

Ni kubaya  There is danger/ trouble (Verb)

Kunoma  Dangerous (Verb)

Ungamwe  Foolishness (Verb)

Ufala  Foolishness (Verb)

Mbleina  Perenial complainer/Whiner (Verb)

utodhe  Foolishness (Verb)

Umbati  Hungry (Verb)

Kinenge  Feeling hungry (Verb)

Nenges  Hungry (Verb)

Maze  Man! (Noun)

Kugwaya  To be afraid (Verb)

Kushtuka  To be afraid/ To fear (Verb)

Kuingiza njeve  To be scared (Verb)

Kuingiza baridi  To be scared (Verb)

Kuingia waba  To be scared (Verb)

Kuingia mawoiye  To be scared (Verb)

Kuhaha  Being scared (Verb)

Kuingia njeve  Being Scared (Verb)

Kuingia baridi  Getting scared (Verb)

Kuingia maji  Being scared (Verb)

Kiche  Look (Verb)

Mniaju  A child, Baby (Noun)

Mkidi  A kid/ Achild (Noun)

mdiki  A child/ A kid (Noun)

Kukiche  To check (Verb)

Gaamu  Being stingy (Verb)

kudigi  1>To look 2>To see 3>To check (Verb)

kudigii  To check/ To look/ To see (Verb)

kudegee  1>To look 2>To see 3>To check (Verb)

Digii  To check (Verb)

degee  Look,See,Check (Verb)

digi  1>Look 2>Check 3>See (Verb)

Nichwa  Fifty (Usually Currency) (Noun)

Chwanire  Fifty (Verb)

Kulolola  To look,To see,To check,To watch (Verb)

Mujuniour  A junior (Noun)

Muniaju  A Junior (Noun)

Mujunia  A Baby or Young person (Noun)

Ombidho  Bhang/ Weed/ Marijuana (Noun)

Za Bob  Bhang/ Weed/ Marijuana/ (Noun)

Matha  Mother (Noun)

Mathe  Mother (Noun)

Mchongoch   "Your mama" jokes (Verb)

Kujikaranga  Betray oneself (Verb)

Kujimezeshea  To mess yourself up (Verb)

Kujichomea  Mess yourself up (Verb)

Kublanda  To mess up (Verb)

Mnoma  Best at,Good at,Starring (Verb)

Mdeadly  Tough/ Deadly (Verb)

Mkali  Tough (Verb)

Kukaupunch  To rich (Verb)

Kukafunga  Get rich (Verb)

Kuomoka  Being rich (Verb)

Kudosika  Getting rich (Verb)

Mawadadaa  Weed/ Marijuana/ Bhang (Noun)

Nguzuu  Marijuana/ Weed/ Bhang (Noun)

Mbaga  Bhang/ Weed/ Marijuana (Noun)

Mbaaga  Bhang (Noun)

Kindukulu  Marijuana, Weed, Bhang (Verb)

Makova  Lies (Verb)

Mavako  Lies (Verb)

Katavaa  Lies (Verb)

Rudge  Rugby (Noun)

Bingi  Dreadlocks (Noun)

Didre  Dreadlocks (Noun)

Natty  Dreadlocks (Noun)

Rasta  Dreadlocks (Noun)

Mabingi  Rasta men (Noun)

Madready  Dreadlocks (Noun)

Wanati  The people who have dreadlocks (Noun)

Wanaty  People with dreadlocks (Noun)

Warasta  The people with dreadlocks (Noun)

Bila ene  Broke (Verb)

Maskan  House (Noun)

Cajer  A House (Noun)

Jiskia  Prde (Verb)

Jifeel  Brag (about oneself) (Verb)

Mtaani  Home (Noun)

Area  Hood (Collective Noun)

Cajani  House/home (Verb)

Kuthegi  To steal (Verb)

Ksanya  To steal (Verb)

kugosa  To steal (Verb)

Kuthanya  To steal (Verb)

Kudhanya  To steal (Verb)

Kudingo  To steal (Verb)

Kuringita  To steal (Verb)

Kupinji  To steal (Verb)

Kuvuka nayo  To steal (Verb)

Gangari  To be Alert (Verb)

Macho  Alert (Verb)

Kudidigo  Alert (Verb)

Mng'aari  Is a kind of game (Noun)

Mgara  A kind of a game (Noun)

Mpara  A kind of a game (Noun)

Kukuchuna  To steal from you (Verb)

Kukudingo  To rob you (Verb)

Kukugosa  To rob you (Verb)

Chonjo  Alert (Verb)

Kukatsiana  Mis understanding (Verb)

Mezesheana  Mis undrestanding (Verb)

Katsiana  Mis understanding (Verb)

Katisiana  Mis understanding (Verb)

Tafashiana  Mis understanding (Verb)

Tiabe  Tea (Noun)

Ngiai  Tea (Noun)

mtiabe  Tea (Noun)

Kejani  House (Verb)

Dawi  House (Noun)

Dau  House (Noun)

Boflo  Loaf of bread (Noun)

Orenyo  (a loaf of) Bread (Noun)

Brenyo  Bread (Noun)

Tosti  Bread (Noun)

Breadi  Bread/ Loaf (Noun)

Bofulo  Bread/Loaf (Noun)

Nimtaa  Home/ Estate/ Place of living (Verb)

werii  A fool/ Dumb person (Verb)

Bredo  Bread/ Loaf (Noun)

Mkae  Bread/Loaf (Noun)

Msoo  Elder (Verb)

Mbwaku  Elder (Verb)

Mbigi  Elder (Verb)

Oranyo  Bread (Noun)

Mnuthu  Half a loaf/Bread (Noun)

Mnudhu  Half a loaf/bread (Noun)

Denki  To shit (Verb)

bielo  To sheet (Verb)

Dank  To pupu (Verb)

Biech  To shit (Verb)

Kata weight  To defecate (Verb)

Shondeka  To sheet (Verb)

Niaku  Pupu/To sheet (Verb)

Nguyaz  Mine (Verb)

Ya mine  Mine (Verb)

Nyiku  Buttocks (Noun)

shoii  Pupu (Noun)

Nijeiya  Is how (Verb)

Nivipi  IS how (Verb)

Bangaiza  Relax, hang out (Verb)

Chilax  Chilling/Relaxing/Hang out (Verb)

Kaa base  Hang out (Noun)

Kare  Tough (Verb)

Mwrong  Some who is deadly (Verb)

mambo bad  Intresting Story (Verb)

Muso  Elder (Verb)

Musodi  Elder (Verb)

Msodi  Elder (Verb)

Mzii  Bad person (Noun)

Dabuz  Father (Noun)

Waudoo  Not a good person (Noun)

Kaa area  Hangout sport (Noun)

Kutulia  Relax (Verb)

Yanguya  Mine (Pronoun)

Yakwamiae  Mine (Verb)

Yakwamii  For me/ Mine/ (Verb)

Yamistimi  Mine (Verb)

Yamisimi  Mine (Verb)

Ndudhe  Speed (Verb)

Funguka  Run very quick (Verb)

Totois  A lady (Noun)

Ndudhii  Motor bike (Noun)

Teketeke  Run quick (Verb)

Ndudhee  Run quick (Verb)

Mbuuga  Run quick (Verb)

Gwara  To fail/fall (Noun)

Ora  Go (Verb)

kanyaga  Go (Verb)

Tembea  Go (Verb)

Jivute  Go (Verb)

Wiz  Go (Verb)

Weez  Go (Verb)

Jitoe  Go (Verb)

Songa  Go (Verb)

Hora  Go (Verb)

Shtep  To walk away (Verb)

gwara winch  Collect money (mostly used by matatu conductors) (Verb)

Kwachu doo  Take money (Verb)

Bamba mukuchu  Take money (Verb)

Karau  Police (Noun)

Nainae  The Police (Noun)

Beast  A Police(wo)man (Noun)

Pae  A Police Officer (Noun)

Thuti  Suite (Noun)

Dhuti  Suit (Noun)

Dhooti  A Suit (Noun)

Kobwang  Five (Verb)

Tano  Five (Noun)

Vongo  Five (Usually Currency) (Noun)

Kubwang  Waider (Noun)

Nasho  To be built (of the body as a body builder) (Transitive Verb)

Bouncer  Weider (Noun)

Fokojembe  Useless person (Verb)

Kudoonda  To rev (Verb)

Utos  Bullet (Noun)

Nota  Five (Adjective)

Teta  Complain (Verb)

zua noma  Cause chaos (Verb)

leta genje  Cause problems or trouble (Verb)

zua ngori  Trouble/Problems (Verb)

Obwang  Weider (Noun)

Leta noma  Cause chaos (Verb)

leta ngori  Cause chaos (Verb)

Nginyira  Sandals made from old vehicle tyres (Noun)

Filisha  To make someone feel jealous (Verb)

Shush  Grandmother (Noun)

Cucu  Grandmother (Noun)

mnyathe  Grandmother (Noun)

Shosh  Grandmother (Noun)

Nyanye  Grandmother (Noun)

Grandma  Grandmother (Noun)

Grandy  Grandmother/Grandfather (Noun)

Granny  Grandmother (Noun)

Grandmatha  Grandmother (Noun)

Grandmasa  Grandmother (Noun)

grandmathe  Grandmother (Noun)

Usikonde  Don't loose hope (Verb)

Usikuwe na worries  Dont worry (Verb)

ingiza baridi  A fraid/Fear/Worry (Verb)

Grandmadha  Grandmother (Noun)

Mgwan  Adept/Skilled (Adjective)

Kukatiana  To court each other (Inflected verb)

Kumendeana  To court (of a boy and girl) (Inflected verb)

Mdhama  Mother (Noun)

Ankules  Uncle (Noun)

Antidhes  Aunty (Noun)

Mzuka/ Mizuka  Something good. (Verb)

Miti  Khat (Verb)

Mbonoko  Gun (Noun)

Chuom  An alley (Noun)

Badi  A Fat Person (Usually children) (Adjective)

Udu  Bad (Adjective)

Vudu  Bad (Adjective)

Berwa  Two hundred (Usually of Currency) (Noun)

M-net  Mathare North (Noun)

Gitch  Understand (Verb)

Kigwara  1)Ugly person (usually female) (n) 2)To take (v) (Noun)

Azaara  Disaster (Usually used to mean major problem or dangerous) (Adjective)

Vector  Coner (Verb)

Jamo  One (Noun)

Toja  Pair of Pants, Trousers (Noun)

Pano  Punishment (Noun)

Maguru  Experts (Verb)

Wera  Work (Verb)

bikwi  Biscuit (Noun)

Bika  Biscuits (Noun)

Mawoiye  Water (Noun)

Debe  Music (Noun)

Piga debe  Vote (Verb)

Chweting  Track suit jacket (Noun)

Tick  1. Machete 2. Nike running shoes (Noun)

Kibenje  Handbag (Usually a lady's) (Noun)

Mokoro  Old lady (Noun)

Kukuru  Highlights (Verb)

Pandisa  A Lie (Noun)

Mjista  Sister (Noun)

Ikongo  Ten (Noun)

Panaha  Here (Adjective)

Atacho  Attachment (Adjective)

Spoko  Canning, Strokes (Verb)

Depa  Deputy (Noun)

Kiradhi  Class (Noun)

Ulaso  A Classroom (Noun)

Chock  A Sip, Gulp (Verb)

Uladho  A Classroom (Noun)

Adisia  Add (Verb)

Yesmore  Give me some more (Adjective)

Ruabe  Shs. 200 (Noun)

Kitoa  To leave/To go away (Verb)

Mbana moja  One round (Verb)

Jill  Two hundred (Usually of currency) (Noun)

Kugoroka  To go crazy (Adjective)

Sahunya  Safari boots (Noun)

Murengo  Short cut on a public service vehicle cue (Adjective)

Shoti  Short cut (Adjective)

Brasa  Brother (Noun)

Irungi  Khat (Noun)

Kunyuria  To die (Adjective)

Chujaa  Shoes (Noun)

taer  Tayre (Noun)

Mandula  1>Shoes 2>Tyres (Noun)

Kubonya  To eat (Verb)

Genya  Die (Adjective)

Kugenya  To die (Verb)

Gage  Alcohol (Verb)

Keiyo  Sleep (Verb)

Chinku  Of Chinese origin (maybe item or person) (Noun)

hala  A Kenyan of Luhya origin (Noun)

Bonda  Eat (Verb)

Kubamba  1. To grip (enthrall as of a performance or event) 2. To arrest 3. To catch in action 4. To take (as in acquire an item) (Verb)

Fyatu fyangu  Pimp-mode shoes (Shoes that one wears when going for a date) (Noun)

Fyatu  A mentally unstable person/Looney (Noun)

Heli  Helicopter (Noun)

Neiba  Neighbour (Noun)

Chunguch  Peep (Adjective)

Mabeste  Friends (Noun)

Dangulo  House (Noun)

Comp  Computer (Noun)

Mbwakni  Jumpiness/Fidgetiness (Noun)

Msoro  Spy or someone that likes poking their nose in others' business (Adjective)

Msororaji  Spy (Adjective)

kanyangi  Shoes (Noun)

Mnyweso  Drinking (Adjective)

Kunyweta  To drink (Adjective)

Mtama  Greedy (Verb)

Wanisa  Nissan car (Noun)

Toyo  Toyota (Noun)

Sido  1>Mercedesbenz 2>Boss 3>Rich person (Noun)

Benz  Mercedesbenz (Noun)

Marc  Mercedesbenz (Noun)

Subru  Subaru (Noun)

Sub  Subaru (Noun)

Karae  Empty (Adjective)

Bambua  Alight or To drop (Adjective)

Bambuka  To Alight (Usually from a matatu) (Verb)

Bilaz  Nothing/Empty (Adjective)

Wangora  Old Car (Noun)

kuumera  To go/ To leave (Verb)

Nduki  A Power Kick (shot) (Verb)

Waba  Water (Noun)

Toile  Toilet (Noun)

Pachu  Bottle (Noun)

Canto  Canteen (Adjective)

Duko  Shop (Noun)

Oduko  A Shop (Noun)

Maake  Market (Noun)

Hanzamboi  A man overly fascinated by his looks and usually full of himself (Noun)

Mdemo  Food (Noun)

Shope  Shoping centre (Noun)

Wazae  Old folk (generally refers to men folk though strictly speaking, could refer to both men and women) (Noun)

Kenge  Money (Noun)

Planyo  Plastic (Noun)

Milo  Milk (Noun)

Nyong'eenyo  Socks (Noun)

Joga  Jogging (Verb)

Pinga  How many (Verb)

Nyongolo  To be mugged (Verb)

Fogoti  Alot/Many (Adjective)

Kibeng  Alot/Many (Adjective)

Ndonye  Little/Small/Less (Adjective)

Ndonyele  Small/Little/Less (Adjective)

Tingua  Open (Verb)

Ngafua  Open (Verb)

Mbauss  Bigshot or bigwig (Noun)

surwa  Soup (Noun)

Tosa  Saturday (Noun)

Daala  Rural home (Noun)

Chedas  Money (Noun)

Thosa  To have sex with (Verb)

Mombao  Mombasa (Noun)

Dimba  Pregnant (Adjective)

Bankiko  Bank (Noun)

Mbexes  Two (Noun)

Ngolova  70s style platform shoes (Noun)

Mbicha  Photo (Noun)

Nifla  Specific/Random (Adjective)

Renji  A Range Rover (Noun)

Perembwa  Get robbed (Verb)

Nei  Four (Noun)

Mbalas  Wig, Fake hair, Extensions or Weave (Verb)

Dufo  Swiming pool (Verb)

Dufo mpararo  Swiming in dirty water/Mad birth (Verb)

Fore  Forest (Noun)

Praima  primary (Noun)

Njei  Outside (Adjective)

Jakes  House, (Noun)

Rengwa  Early in the morning (Adjective)

Odhedhe  A meal made of beans and corn (Noun)

Odheng'a  Githeri (A meal of beans and maize) (Noun)

Boiz  A man (Noun)

Moto  Fume/Jam/Annoyed (Adjective)

Manyuria  Die (Verb)

looba  Fall in (love) or Something to die for (Verb)

Lachu  Last (Verb)

Gwedegwede  Big mama's Ass (Noun)

Uwanjo  Field or Playground (Noun)

Grao  Playing grounds (Noun)

Rao  Ride (Adjective)

Mbeteza  Walk (Verb)

kabonde  Drunkerd (Adjective)

Muwakaji  Drunkard (Verb)

Maidha  Time (Verb)

Ndweng'a  Bhang (Noun)

Utambi  Big stomach (Noun)

Polytrickcian  Politician (Noun)

concodi  makanga, condaa, benje, (Noun)

Added by Tosh

Mukwanja  Money (Verb)

Kujishasha  To be nervese (Adjective)

Chacha  Hype or excitement (could both be good or bad) (Verb)

Chenchiko  Change (Noun)

Ridho  Active (Verb)

Lembes  1>Front 2>Abroad (Verb)

Ndumba  Witch doctors medicine (Noun)

Daka  To Catch (Usually a Ball) (Verb)

Twara  Run (Verb)

Vodo  Vodka (Noun)

Manamba  Condactor (Noun)

Shikanisha  Understand (Verb)

Tipi  Tissue paper (Noun)

Ndeshi  Bird (Noun)

Mungola  Door (Noun)

Usule  HIM/ HER (Noun)

Mbisha  Picture (Noun)

Ofe  Office (Noun)

Okedi  HIV/AIDS (Noun)

Plaka  Chicken/Roast chicken (Noun)

sexsuana  Having sex (Verb)

Godon  Traffic police (Noun)

Yadi  Yard (Open area usually for chilling) or In the vicinity (Noun)

Dhande  1>Electricity 2>Ponography (Adjective)

Ndedhe  Naked (Verb)

Mokinyo  Money (Noun)

kanyamo  Something that can make money (Noun)

Mishoni  Mission (Verb)

Tingwa  Closed (Verb)

Blang'aa  Blanket (Noun)

Nguati  Open (Verb)

Ngaata  Fuel (Paraffin/Petrol,Disel) (Noun)

Ngeede  Fuel(Paraffin,Disel,Petrol) (Noun)

ARV  Fake liquor(Not well distilled) (Noun)

Ngira  Colour (Adjective)

Equator  To pass ball through an opponents legs (as in football) (Verb)

Bititi  Breasts (Noun)

Orwaro  Short (Noun)

Tunasosi  We are eating (Verb)

Uthero  A mixture of maize and beans cooked together (Noun)

Kehee  Uncircumcised (Verb)

Ushags  The village (Noun)

Dandia  Jump on (Verb)

Bodii  Weider (Noun)

Umenijamisha  You have made me angry (Verb)

Alining'am  S(h)e saw me (Verb)

kadame  A girl (Noun)

Akajam  Got angry (Verb)

Onyash  Onyango (Verb)

Ung'am  You take a look (Inflected verb)

Longii  Trouser (Noun)

Belii  Bell bottom trousers (Noun)

Limbuka  Explode (Verb)

Maflea  Bell-bottomed pants (Noun)

Oriosh  Karioko (Noun)

Monsai  Mother (Noun)

Ololoo  Kaloleni (Noun)

Dalo  Dallas (Noun)

Majei  Majengo (Noun)

Kokosh  Kariako (Noun)

Geng  Crew,Group, (Adjective)

Sonyii  Soldier (Noun)

Mariamu  A Police van (Noun)

Ukedi  AIDS (HIV) (Noun)

Ukapi  Knife (Noun)

Ukedia  AIDS (HIV) (Noun)

Thilla  Thirty (Noun)

Cham  Illicit brew (Verb)

Tiik  1>Nike 2>Correct 3>Panga (Noun)

Pank  Rich person (Noun)

Adidaro  Adidas (Noun)

Shabana  Have sex with (Verb)

Hakuwatell  Did not tell them (Verb)

Aliturn  1>Came back 2>Went back (Verb)

Stadii  Stadium (Noun)

Stopisha  Stop (Verb)

Ananedesha  In need (Adjective)

Desa  A playground where there is no grass (Noun)

Stopu  Stop (of a busstop) (Verb)

Akajangori  Get angry (Verb)

Tifi  Fine, Okay, Well, Fit, Good (Verb)

Kamenuka  Their is a problem (Verb)

Kafi  Reach (Verb)

Hang'era  HANG (Verb)

Msosi  Food (Noun)

Ng'aada  Speed (Verb)

Nyamchom  Roast meat (Noun)

Kundias  Terreble/Trouble/Problem (Verb)

Dhoka  Trouble/Problem/Terreble (Verb)

Boiro  Boiled (Noun)

Yayo  Egg (Noun)

Cabo  Cabbage (Noun)

Palia  Parliament (Noun)

Obako  Kibaki(the name of the third president of Kenya) (Noun)

Nyargen  Moi (Noun)

Kumedhoka  There is a problem/There is trouble (Verb)

Slomo  Slow motion (Verb)

Piengres  Small (Adjective)

Yeseye  It refers to someone it can be (Noun)

Ngomongo  Stone (Noun)

Chop  Read (Verb)

Danda  Fool (Adjective)

Dandi  Clothes (Noun)

Sola  Sun (Noun)

Loso  Alone or Unaccompanied (Adverb)

Vizo  Visit (Verb)

Mao  Mathematics (Adjective)

Dhafu  Mathematics (Adverb)

Added by browngal

Gedhafu  Mathematics (Adverb)

Madhafu  Mathematics (Adjective)

Masti  Electricity (Noun)

Rena  1>Electricity 2>Matchbox (Noun)

Dolare  Dollar (Noun)

Kwenda uko  Go away (Verb)

Kamu  Come (Verb)

Janjeiya  Creative/Sly person (Noun)

Mkambodia  A Kamba ( A person from eastern community parts of kenya) (Noun)

Mkao  Kamba (A person from eastern parts of kenya) (Noun)

Mkambati  Kamba(A person from eastern parts of kenya) (Noun)

Mbekses  Two (Noun)

Kidu  About (of approximation) (Noun)

Kunywaku  1>To drink 2>To enjoy 3>Fall in(can be in love or fallen in with the style of the way someone dresses or the way he or she sings and much more) (Verb)

Rosto  Sperms (Noun)

Shuvu  Look (to see) (Verb)

Antinyita  Not to understand (Verb)

Jongo  A Coin or Money (Noun)

Gafe  Coffee (Noun)

Krekisha  Make someone go nuts (Verb)

Kebin  Head (Noun)

Washa  Smoke bhanga (Verb)

Nywaku  Drink (Verb)

Godigodi  Drink(mostly non stop) (Verb)

Pyuk  Vomit (Verb)

Ondoa  Vomit (Verb)

Piuk  Vomit (Verb)

Kutei  To drink alcohol (Verb)

Uma pamba  To die (Verb)

Tiusho  Tuition (usually associated with for-pay, holiday studies) (Noun)

Dinda  Refuse (of a person or something) (Verb)

Haire  Harmony (Verb)

Korona  A Prostitute or Commercial Sex Worker (Noun)

Mago  Magazine (Noun)

Mango  Mangoes (Noun)

Baesa  A Bar or Pub (Noun)

Mbakna  Twenty (Verb)

Momo  Really fat/huge woman (Noun)

Bufero  Bus fare (Noun)

Makudiro  Watch out (usually used when playing or in covert missions) (Inflected verb)

Kudiro  Watch out (usually used when playing or in covert missions) (Inflected verb)

Futhii  Pubic hair (Noun)

Pupa  Brute force (Noun)

Safocalto  A plastic toy rally car (Noun)

Naso  Nursery School (Noun)

Kimangoto  With force (Verb)

Shiet  Stupidity (Noun)

Matatu  Public transport Van (Noun)

Bu  Bus (Noun)

Skundhe  Kales (A type of vegetable) (Noun)

Mataani  Suspens (Verb)

Progi  Program (Verb)

Morgan  Early morning (Verb)

Banza  Hide (Verb)

Mandondo  Cooked beens (Noun)

Dendai  A beatiful girl (Noun)

oriji  Something original (Adjective)

walai  1.A Skull cap worn by muslim men 2.I Swear (Noun)

Ahando  A Hundred (Originally of Money) (Noun)

Supa  Supermarket (Noun)

Lainso  Licence (Verb)

Nyweta  Drink (Verb)

Agiza  Ask for,Need (Verb)

Kijiko  Speed/Fast/Quick (Verb)

Ojijo  Slum (Noun)

Masho  Manssion (Noun)

Goro  Manssion/A Building (Noun)

Pokee  A Pocket (Noun)

Blackie  1>Black Mamba(A type of bicycle )2>Black (Mostly describing Africans) (Verb)

Baden  Later (Verb)

Gongana  Meet (Verb)

Mjanamo  One,Single,Alone (Noun)

Nganaso  Move,Gone,Left (Verb)

Songana  Leave,Go,Move,Gone,left (Verb)

Gino  Gueness (Noun)

Iza  Sorry (usually said to console or give polite declination) (Adjective)

Shokena  Tomorrow (Verb)

Sato  Saturday (Verb)

Bereel  Ten shilling coin (Noun)

Mvlane  Boy,Man,Gentlemen (Noun)

Nangoz  Mobile phone (Noun)

Marogoti  Dump site (Noun)

Mpenyo  Opportunity or (a previously non-existent) chance at something (Noun)

Tiko  Ticket (Noun)

Bumburusha  To chase (Verb)

Oboli  Pregnant (Noun)

Tapo  1>Rush(to go and come back as quick as posible) 2>To tap (Verb)

Nduadhi  Run very fast (Noun)

Doki  Doctor (Noun)

Hosi  Hospital (Noun)

Mocha  Mortuary (Noun)

Nino  Ceiren (Verb)

Gola  A Goalkeeper (Noun)

Teno  Tennis (The Sport) (Noun)

Penso  Pencil (Noun)

Legzas  To walk on foot (usually to work) (Verb)

Mkitu  Beautifu, (Noun)

Mulami  White man/woman (Noun)

Msomo  Somalian (Noun)

Sambu  A Samosa (Noun)

Voki  A Volkswagen Vehicle (Noun)

Kicho  Kitchen (Noun)

Sufuch  Sufuria (Noun)

Skao  Scout (Noun)

Mwere  Useless person (Adjective)

Mnduku  Arsehole (Noun)

Howdhes  What's up? (Noun)

Fastisha  Do faster (Verb)

Baafo  Long time ago (Noun)

Ankara  Bhang, Cannabis Sativa (Noun)

Vajo  Virgin (Usually female but may in rare occassions refer to a male) (Pronoun)

Turi  Ass hole (Noun)

Mochocho  Cigarate (Noun)

Colle  College (Noun)

Lonzero  Fine,Good,Nice (Verb)

Pingis  Whore/Prostitute (Noun)

Usambwenya  Being stupid or difficult (Usually in a deal) (Noun)

Vungu  1>something good,Nice,Exiting 2>Strong,Weight (Noun)

Nyara  To throw something up for people to grab (Verb)

Raboli  A form one student (Noun)

Laptop  Petite woman (Noun)

Ndala  Sandals (Noun)

Runda  Nice up,Feel good,Feel entertained,feel happy, (Verb)

Opilo  Pepper,Chilly (Noun)

Wahed  One (Noun)

Shanora  Enlighten (Verb)

Janjarua  Enlightened, (Verb)

Maluda  Bhang/Marijuana/Weed (Noun)

Added by version

Sadiqa  Beautiful girl (Noun)

Added by oti mapanga

Kushungpeng  Bhang (Noun)

Kibre  Brakes (Verb)

Omoka  Get rich (Verb)

Kuminya  To eat (Verb)

Naishia  I am going (Verb)

Pyputhe  Skinny ama tight trouser (Noun)

Added by Sleeves

Msitiri  A Customer (Noun)

Added by version

Pero  Parent (Noun)

Kamare  Gamble (Verb)

Kato  Middle (Verb)

Tako  Trash (Noun)

Lezzy  Lesbian (Noun)

Tifina  Fine,Good,Well (Verb)

Chara  Broke (Verb)

Prinsi  Principal (Noun)

Mnyoro  Urine (Noun)

Mndesha  Salary (Noun)

Salo  Salary (Verb)

Mungopa  Plan (Verb)

Lecos  College (Noun)

Wedo  Wedding (Verb)

Hema  Frastration 2> Chill (Verb)

Preyo  Prayer (Verb)

Karai  Empty (Verb)

Mbulai  Fine,Nice,Good (Verb)

Kwaria  Refuse with (Verb)

Roko  Alcohol (spirit drinks) (Noun)

Ngumu  Alcohol(Spirit drink) (Noun)

Ngwadu  Penis (Noun)

Hanky  Handkerchief (Noun)

Ndeima  On Monday (Noun)

maolipo  Slippers (Noun)

Added by moffat

Ngunga  Bhang, Marijuana, Weed (Noun)

Wada  Bhang, Weed, Marijuana (Noun)

Soki  To punch (originally in Boxing) (Verb)

Mengo  Headbutt (Original meaning) (Verb)

Onyaso  Short trousers (Noun)

Nuthu  Half a loaf of bread (Noun)

Mayolo  Abroad or Overseas (Noun)

Muarabe  An Arab (Adjective)

254  Mkenya, Kenyan (Noun)

Riba  Information or News (Noun)

Gonya  Drive (Verb)

Bandal  Money (Noun)

Bediko  Bed (Noun)

Bitikwa  To be beaten (Noun)

Choboua  Its a game if the ball passes between your legs you are beaten (Verb)

Chopi  Clever (Verb)

Chubliu  Sound of something dropping in water (Verb)

Chudi  Penis (Noun)

Chuodho  Marijuana/ Bhang/ Weed (Noun)

Condedhe  A condom (Noun)

Dise  December (Verb)

Duks  A shop (Noun)

Expa  An Expulsion (Verb)

Expe  Expensive (Adjective)

Form  Agenda or plan (Noun)

Fotho  Fourth (Verb)

Gaazo  A Newspaper (Noun)

Gas  Tough people (Verb)

Geri  A gang (Verb)

Gwanda  Shoes (Noun)

Gwash  Marble or The game of marble (Noun)

HM  Headmaster (Noun)

Ikuus  Vagina (Noun)

Kadonye  Small (Verb)

Kamenje  A Camera (Noun)

Katunja  Catapult (Noun)

Kethi  Ugly chick (Noun)

Kibaru  Casual work (Verb)

Kichuri  Hard drug (Noun)

Kidevu  Uppercut (Verb)

Nyanya  Red eye (Verb)

Kuchapia  To steal (Verb)

Kiodhe  A shop (Noun)

Xema  the way idiots great themselves (Verb)

Ukuta  ATM (Noun)

Yogo yogo  Breasts (Noun)

Magowee  Ghosts (Noun)

Teveva  Confused (Verb)

Sem  Semester (Verb)

Yuni  University (Noun)

Nduthi  A Motorbike (Noun)

Niado  Money/ Cash (Noun)

Ndoano  Vibe (Verb)

Sanchu  Safari boots (Noun)

Humezei  You don't know or You don't understand (Verb)

Nyagla  Meat (Noun)

Pocka  Pocket (Noun)

Pocke  A Pocket (Noun)

Kuririma  Heavily drunk (Verb)

Ngatua  Open (Verb)

Ma angolo  Spectacles/ Glasses/ Shades (Noun)

Mono  A form one student (Noun)

Mraah  Plan (Noun)

Mbete  Ring (Noun)

Mboka  Work/ Job (Noun)

Monzo  A cigarette (Noun)

Kumanche  To eat (Verb)

Rwadwa  Beaten (Verb)

Msom  A somalian (Noun)

Mita  A Million (Usually currency) (Noun)

Kidungi  A gun (Noun)

Mweu  A fool (Verb)

Urwaro  Pair of shorts (Noun)

Walach  A person from the Somali origin (Verb)

Warges  A Somalian (Noun)

Pepeta  To juggle (Verb)

Kova  Lies (Verb)

Ponya  The police S(he) (Noun)

Ngalula  A cigarette (Noun)

Rhino  A police van (Noun)

Mraiya  Crowd/ Group (Noun)

Kocho  Broken into (Verb)

Kuwa idhaa  To be in a hurry (Verb)

Raima  A Primary School (Noun)

Taptap  Hard drugs (Noun)

Njuta  Shoes (Noun)

Pinches  A pick pocketer (Noun)

Mchele  Drug (as used in spiking) (Noun)

Madhaland  Kibra (Noun)

Kumkufa  To die for (Verb)

Landi  A Land Rover Vehicle (Noun)

Sok  A Hundred (Usually money) (Noun)

Hando  A Hundred (Usually of Money) (Noun)

Mbotokoto  Selfie (Noun)

Spoti  Sportsman (A Cigarette Brand) (Noun)

mwema  mwema (Noun)

Keki  Bhang/Marijuana (usually hidden in baked cakes) (Noun)

Bangu  Kariobangi (Noun)

Kuselela  Thin (Verb)

Pepa  A Newspaper (Noun)

Zange  Mine (Verb)

Homo  A gay person (Noun)

Tia  To have sex with (Verb)

Pakua  To give sex (Originally related to being loose) (Verb)

Hasapa  Here (Adverb)

Mwaks  Exam leakage (Noun)

Dach  Classroom (Noun)

Rombosa  To cures or to dance (Verb)

Dede  Grasshopper (Noun)

Added by Jemo

Malugu  Loquat (Noun)

Inda  Industrial Area (Noun)

Kampu   A company (Noun)

Ngeos  A girl (Noun)

Kanyau  A cat (Noun)

Kakitu  Money (Noun)

Chwaa  Money (Noun)

Gikosh  Gikomba (Noun)

Tumeland  We've arrived (Verb)

Bankika  Get bankable or get an account (Verb)

Mili  Million (Usually of money) (Noun)

Oraimo  A Primary School (Noun)

Pokoharam  A thieving prostitute (Noun)

Kumbao  To get an erection (Verb)

Wachi  security guard, watchman (Noun)

Advencha  Adventure (Noun)

Reli  Railway line (Noun)

Kware  Quarry (Noun)

Dieres  Middle or Center (Verb)

Nganamsteta  A Cigarette (Noun)

Added by Jemo

Vale  Valentines Day (Noun)

Vals  Valentines Day (Noun)

Jipa  Available (Verb)

Travolta  70s style platform shoes (Noun)

Walenje  A wallet (Noun)

Nyafura  To steal (Verb)

Flight  Bus Fare (Noun)

Odhero  Githeri (A meal of maize & beans ) (Noun)

Gith  Githeri (a meal made from maize & beans) (Noun)

Gidh  Githeri (a meal made from maize and beans) (Noun)

Ongwelo  Marijuana, Bhang (Noun)

Farasi  Subaru car (Noun)

Disk  Chapati (Flat bread) (Noun)

Ngiavati  Chapati (Flat bread) (Noun)

Uganga  Ugali (maize meal) (Noun)

Mbese  Ugali (Noun)

Omofa  (a loaf of) Bread (Noun)

Mkatho  (a loaf of) Bread (Noun)

Ngwete  A Chicken (Noun)

Ondeng  Gym - usually a home-made one (Noun)

Antelope  Beautiful girl/woman (Noun)

Shengspeare  A person skilled in Sheng... one that posses Sheng oratorical skills (Noun)

Ikus  Vagina (Noun)

Nyagus  Meat (Noun)

Kufyeng  To eat (Verb)

Transfoma  Penis (Noun)

Mamboches  Househelps (Noun)

Mdede  A girl/ A lady or A woman (Noun)

Wacheche  Ladies, Women (Noun)

Wambatangu  Mine (of a person) (Pronoun)

Hawayuni  How are you? (aimed at a group of people) (Noun)

Gwadha  A remote place (Noun)

Rukuna  A place called Nakuru (Noun)

Kanairo  Nairobi (Noun)

Ndogogio  Alcohol (Noun)

Added by de.noh

Tire  Bhang (Noun)

Kufa  Laugh with great abandon (Noun)

Vuts  Translocate (Usually in the game of marbles) an opponents marble from one direction to another, often with the intention of aligning it to the hole (Verb)

Njege  Police/Cops (Noun)

Weuweu  Tweng'/accent (usually American) (Noun)

Ukiritimba  Stupidity, Foolishness (Noun)

Utothi  Stupidity, Foolishness (Noun)

Jongo ya tefo  Forty (Usually money) (Noun)

Tefo  Forty (usually currency) (Noun)

Fote  Forty (Noun)

Siaka  Speed, Rush, (Verb)

Sidika  Expensive (Adjective)

Mwilionaire  A high-class escort (Noun)

Ngem  Bhang, Weed (Noun)

O-Level  Oral sex (Noun)

A-Level  Anal sex (Noun)

Fiatu  Pimp-mode shoes (Noun)

Goks  Khat (Noun)

Ngoks  Chicken (Noun)

Ngohen  Chicken (Noun)

Bango  One shilling (usually descriptive of the coin itself) (Noun)

Biko  Illicit brew (Noun)

Thiang'a  Alcohol (Noun)

Campo  University (Or university campus) (Noun)

Gubalo  House (Noun)

Tape  To Steal (Verb)

Diurag  Cell phone (Noun)

Makani  Mechanical Engineer (Noun)

Jiniko  Jeans (Noun)

Jinka  Jeans (Noun)

Ikumbi  ATM (Noun)

Air ponje  Airport (Noun)

Manwar  Rough tackle (Verb)

Otho  In football, a move commonly referred to as "Bicycle Kick" or "Scissors" or "Overhead kick"where a player hits the ball by having his back to his target and kicking the ball over his head. (Noun)

Scissors  In football, a move commonly referred to as "Bicycle Kick" or "Overhead kick"where a player hits the ball by having his back to his target and kicking the ball over his head. (Noun)

Botte  Bottle (Noun)

Mbote  an estate in Nairobi's Eastlands area along Jogoo Road and near Kaloleni (Noun)

Riparian Land  A prohibited place (Noun)

Praco  Practice (Usually of a sport) (Verb)

Orako  Practice (usually of a sport) (Verb)

Urako  Practice (Verb)

Nema  A horny guy (Noun)

Kudenki  To shit/defecate (Verb)

Sponyo  Sponsor (Usually an older male) - Someone that is afforded sexual favors courtesy of the materials (s)he affords another in exchange. (Noun)

Lamba lolo  To give oral sex (Noun)

Lamba  To fall (Noun)

Lolo  Thought to mean Penis but could full well mean anything - context is important (Noun)

Kutu  Lack of sex after a long time (Usually in reference to girls) (Noun)

Mzinga  Alcohol (often used to mean Whiskey or Spirits) (Noun)

Mayengs  (beautiful) girls (Noun)

Rieng  Plan, Organized method (Noun)

Mayeng  (beautiful) girls (Noun)

Wamlambez  A rally call that probably means more things than it doesn't (Noun)

Wamnyonyez  Reply to the call "Wamlambez" (Noun)

Mbogi  Crew (Noun)

Pekejeng  Dance style (Noun)

Kimonyoski  Fun, Partying - but this word can't/shouldn't be used on its own as it is a phrase-word "Mbogi ya Kimonyoski" (Noun)

Aluta  A variety of Khat known as "Mogoka" (Noun)

Toa lock  Get rid of a hangover (Noun)

Ngeus  (Young, beautiful) girl (Noun)

Nunu  Vagina (Noun)

Yengs  (Young, beautiful) girl (Noun)

Mjulubeng  Penis/Dick (Noun)

Mjuls  Penis/Dick (Noun)

Mti  Penis/Dick (Noun)

Fathela  Father/ Dad (Noun)

Mrah  Deal (Noun)

Brus  Merchandise (though usually used for bootleg items but can casually be used to mean virtually anything) (Noun)

Kingale  (Small/left over) Cigarette (Noun)

Dudu  Genitals (Usually a boy's penis) (Noun)

Difu  Food (Noun)

Molis  A person thought to be great at marathon sex (Noun)

Orosho  An alley (Noun)

Nyuria  To Die (Verb)

Chrom  Full (Noun)

Anika  Expose (as in a scandal or to out a person for the purposes of embarrassing them) (Noun)

Oroso  Cross-country (sports) but really used to denote any long distance race (from 3000m) (Noun)

Mboto  Photo (Noun)

Kiyeng  (a young, beautiful) girl (Noun)

Chachisha  Confuse (Verb)

Nyandua  To have (casual) sex with. (Usually between two people that don't have a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship) (Noun)

Nyanduana  Of two (or more) people, have (casual) sex. (Usually between two people that don't have a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship) (Noun)

Kukemba  To Look (to observe or understand) (Verb)

Mless  Young or junior (Noun)

Sele  Silly (Noun)

Ngelz  (Young, beautiful) girl (Noun)

Nghels  (Young, beautiful) girl (Noun)

Mangeuz  (Young, beautiful) girls (Noun)

Kuni  Penis (Noun)

Mstinji  Mean/Stingy (Noun)

Mangoko  (Beautiful) girls (Noun)

Ura  Go (Verb)

Kunyonji  Get a hard-on/Erection (Verb)

Prako  Practice (usually of a sport) (Verb)

Oraks  Practice (usually of a sport) (Verb)

Kupunyeto  To Masturbate (Wank) (Verb)

Fadhela  Father/ Dad (Noun)

Kuwahi  To get (like a job or opportunity, or something) by luck (Verb)

Nyonga  Take an illegal U-Turn (Verb)

Kunyonga  To take an illegal U-Turn (Verb)

Majegi  Breasts/Boobs (of a woman) (Noun)

Kufinywa  Of a girl, be slept with (Verb)

Mtiche  Teacher (Noun)

Mteja  Customer (Noun)

Ndesa  Sunday (Noun)

Tesa  Look hot/beautiful/well made up (Noun)

Twa twa!  Sex (Vigorous/energized) (Noun)

Mjulus  Penis/Dick (Noun)

Mutaratara  Plan, Order, Method of an activity (Noun)

Kanzu  Have a ball lobbed over one's head - usually in a football match (Verb)

Digaga  Sunglasses (Noun)

Kagege  Lost in thought (Verb)

Itambe  Let it roll /run (Verb)

Osha  To con (Verb)

Chongoa  To roast (as in the "your mama" joke sessions) (Verb)

Chongo  To roast (as in the "your mama" joke sessions) (Verb)

Mchongo   "Your mama" jokes (Verb)

Kuchongo  To roast (in "your mama" jokes) (Verb)

Kuchongoa  To roast (in "your mama" jokes) (Verb)

Wolan  Hold on, Pause (But used in Kenya as a refrain) (Noun)

Doktari  A senior doctor or a nosy, all-knowing person (Noun)

Em  A Million (Usually currency) (Noun)

Msus  Girl (Noun)

Mbokita  A Long Time Ago (Preposition)

Dosika  Get rich (Verb)

Osa  Get rich (Verb)

Kafunga  Get rich (Verb)

Mbele  Advanced (in knowledge - especially street smarts) (Verb)

Monchoka  To come out (appear) (Verb)

Muok  To come (over) (Verb)

Kumuok  To come (over) (Verb)

Mrazi  A snitch or enemy (Verb)

Warazi  Snitch or enemies (Verb)

Fafiri  Friend (Verb)

Msolokombo  Penis/dick (Noun)

Lombotove  To love (Noun)

Shembeteng  A variant of Sheng originating from Kayole (Noun)

Chuambatani  Fifty (Usually of money) in 'Shembeteng' (Noun)

Yange  Mine (Verb)

Skimbitia  Shembeteng for Listen (Noun)

Mazembete  Shembeteng for girls (Verb)

Mzimbiting  Shembeteng for Father/Dad or old man (Noun)

Lumbutuku  Shembeteng for look (Style and fashion) (Noun)

Kizumbutungu  Shembeteng for English (Noun)

Mbanga  Police (Usually male) (Noun)

Mambaru  Police (Usually male) (Noun)

Mbaru  Police (Usually male) (Noun)

mneti  jail/prison (Noun)

Riswa  A refrain used in the Legio Maria and Dini ya Msambwa prayers (Noun)

Inengi  Another (Verb)

Mtindo  Style/Trend (Noun)

Kusimp  Of a man, to be "overly attentive" to a woman - making him do "outrages" things like carrying her bag or feeding her in a restaurant all in the hope of getting or retaining her love/attention (Verb)

Mdenge  A (Beautiful) girl (Noun)

Rizla  A brand of paper used for rolling cigarettes or marijuana (Noun)

Nugu  Penis (Noun)

Kinembe  Clitoris (Noun)

Rosecoco  Clitoris (Noun)

Kunywa na straw   (idiom) — Be smitten or totally taken in by

Paka mafuta   (idiom) — To con

Mguu ya kuku   (idiom) — Gun

Bamba vi meja   (idiom) — be gripped by or overly facinated by

Cold case   (idiom) — Cold food

Tuma salamu   (idiom) — Fellatio/Blow job/Bj

Weka Manyundo   (idiom) — Have sex with/fuck

Toka teke   (idiom) — Run fast

Mambo P-Square   (idiom) — It's about sex
Let's have sex
I'm having sex

Chips funga   (idiom) — A girl/woman picked from a club or such a place... solely for sex

Mse wa Jirani   (idiom) — A gay person

Sonko uma vee   (idiom) — Big man stop rushing... take it easy

Manyu ka boot   (idiom) — You are at the very end of issues

Mbele ka poke ya shati   (idiom) — I'm ahead of matters/issues

Rangi ya thao   (idiom) — A lightskin or brown colored woman/girl

Migingo na teargas   (idiom) — Ugali and chili/pepper

Piga vuvuzela   (idiom) — To give a blow job

Kula ridhe   (idiom) — To be shot

Kunoa nanga   (idiom) — When a chick is dressed well showing of her body figure mostly her ass

Kuwa juu ya maji   (idiom) — To be drunk

Kutupa mbao   (idiom) — Out fo your nuts

Tingua keja   (idiom) — To vibe a chick

Juu ya mawe   (idiom) — Idle sitting

Chini ya maji   (idiom) — Chilling

Kukata maji   (idiom) — Drink alcohol

Raundi mwenda   (idiom) — Walk around

Kulalisha rada   (idiom) — Not understanding

Juu ya shamba   (idiom) — Chewing khat

Juu ya dimanga   (idiom) — Idle seating

Jamaa alibetekwa   (idiom) — Jamaa alipigwa

Jama alipatangori   (idiom) — Jamaa alipata shida

Kuwa ngangari   (idiom) — Being alert

Mabeast wako area   (idiom) — The police are around

Hamna was   (idiom) — No problem

Kupatwa na mchuma   (idiom) — Be found with a gun

Kuenda mbana moja   (idiom) — To go for one round

Vutia wire   (idiom) — Call a person (of a phone call)

We ni mwewe   (idiom) — You are a betrayer

Kuwa na pang'ang'a   (idiom) — You are a loud mouth

Bafu chafu   (idiom) — To be conned

Kata vaa   (idiom) — Lie

Choma picha   (idiom) — To spoil a situation

Choma ndishken   (idiom) — To spoil a situation

Toto si tortoise   (idiom) — She is good the way dint expect

Pewa maji   (idiom) — Drink alcohol

Ingiza njeve   (idiom) — To fear

Kuingiza waba   (idiom) — To be afraid

Kuingiza baridi   (idiom) — To fear

Kuingiza fridge   (idiom) — Be afraid

Kukunja mkia   (idiom) — To be Afraid

Kupiga leather   (idiom) — To walk

Earth wire   (idiom) — Wearing suit

Ingizana box   (idiom) — Convince

Dungana ball   (idiom) — To impregnate

Kula moto   (idiom) — To be angry, Enraged, Mad

Cha mbele   (idiom) — Abroad

Baba yao   (idiom) — A Tough Dude

Kame chapa   (idiom) — 1>Spoilt 2>Broke

Kanyanga nyoka   (idiom) — To miss the ball while you wanted to stop it with your foot mostly used in soccer match

Gonga ukuta   (idiom) — Backfire

Kunywa na straw   (idiom) — Engross deeply

Mambo mbaya   (idiom) — Deadly Thing

Kudunga Hema   (idiom) — Chilling out

Niko wire   (idiom) — I'm broke

Test   (idiom) — Test

Inaitisha Chipo   (idiom) — A shoe that is torn at the front (toe-side)

Uma vako   (idiom) — To sit in wait

Kavu mbili   (idiom) — Two thousand

Tuliza ball   (idiom) — Take it easy ... think before acting

Tia ndani   (idiom) — To eat

Shikishwa Handi   (idiom) — To be made pregnant

kuchipo   (idiom) — To get a one-night stand girl (Usually from a club or house party)

Kuchipoiwa   (idiom) — Of girl, to be taken on a one-stand

Fiatu fyangu   (idiom) — Pimp-mode shoes

Lamba Lolo   (idiom) — To suck dick (give fellatio/perform oral sex)

Toa Kutu   (idiom) — To have sex (usually by a girl) after a long time

Kupiga Kuni   (idiom) — To have sex with

Jenga kapa   (idiom) — To give a person 1,000 shillings (more often than not, without the person having worked for it - and never expect it back)

Kula rithe   (idiom) — Get shot

Kunyonga monkey   (idiom) — To masturbate/wank

Pigwa mti   (idiom) — Be made love to (though this idiom connotes a boy/man having sex with someone that is not necessarily his partner)
It is derogatory in intention.

Kuwa Mteja   (idiom) — To be unreachable (by phone)

Nyonga nugu   (idiom) — To masturbate/wank

Gwara winch   (idiom) — Collect money (usually in a matatu)

Toka kapa   (idiom) — To run fast

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